I love my family more than anything. I want a puppy. I adore my kitty cat. My kitty cat loves me. I am afraid of bugs (even ladybugs). If music didn't exist, I would not either. I read a lot. I write a lot. I have nightmares that make me scream in my sleep. I analyze my dreams. I watch the same movies over and over. I love mermaids and the ocean they swim in. I miss my Daddy. I believe in change. I love Thursday nights w/ a bottle of wine and my best friend. I skateboard in my kitchen. Every Sunday I take a vacation in my moms backyard (it's all inclusive). I spend all my money on lip gloss and magazines. I recycle my magazines. I am the luckiest person alive. I am a rockstar (in my head).I can listen to Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah every day for the rest of my life. I am batman.
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Make Worldwide Hunger a Priority - The Petition Site http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/98080745...
Urge Congress to Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge! - The Petition Site http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/56772830...
SDSU Study Says Cigarette Butts Kill Fish | KPBS.org http://www.kpbs.org/news/2009/may/01/sdsu-study-sa...
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