About Me
My Name's Chris And I'm a Proud Member of the Kewl Kidz Kr3w .
I love Devyn Taylor Donn.
I am somewhat of an artist. My creations are trademarked deeper than you'll be in lawsuit if you decide to copy any of them.
I use offensive language.
I will offend you.
Unless you can give me three INTELLIGENT reasons why you hate Bush, that don't involve the phrases, "my friends said," "my parents said," "he's stupid,"; then shutup, idiot. He's doing a damn good job and if you're going to slap your opinions somewhere, try putting it on your Myspace. You know, because it's yours. If I see any anti-Bush comments or messages of the sort, I'll delete said comment, and probably throw you out of my list. Yes, I respect that you hate Bush, but don't throw it in my face unless you're ready to have a good and long arguement about how deep you can fit a cock in your mouth.
Hmm.. Devyn.: Low On Carbs. But Very High In Cute, hahahaha.
I tend to randomly strip myself and others publicly.
I cry about alot of stupid things.
I guess I'm emo.
I think I am a morbidly disgusting human being.
I am a morbidly disgusting human being.
I make fun of cripples.
I laugh alot.
Most people think I am immature for the basic reason that I joke around alot.
Listen kids, just because I may annoy you, doesn't make me immature - Get a dictionary.
I play air guitar... Better than you
I am extremely weak and skinny.
I'm scared of fights and will run 99% of the time.
I am VERY shy. Ask Devyn.
I am very opinionated - and I will throw my opinions in your face.
I am racist towards gangsters of any sort, whether you're white, mexican, or black - I will hate you if you act like a Thug.
Only thing more fun than labelling someone else is being labelled.
If you think I'm a Goth, or an Emo, or a Poser - Keep it to yourself, you're just as weird as me.
I hate the stereotype 'Goth',
So if you call me, or anyone that, you will lose my respect.
I stereotype anyone and everyone - I will make sure you have a label.
We're retards. Proud retards. :)
If I love you, then you'll probably be aware of it at some point...
And you're probably one of the people nice enough to be reading this right now.
If I hate you, get off my Myspace.
I am straight talk,
Too weak and scared to fight anyone.
I have my way with words, though.
I have a stoner-laugh - we all know.
My voice is annoying.
I'll do almost anything on a dare.
For some reason, I love screaming in public.
If you slap me in the face with your opinions and guidelines, I will retaliate.
I hate being told when/what/why/how to do something - and I might just punch you if you do.
I currently have Pre-Diabetes.
I also love soda. :)
I think people that fight without talking are simple-minded failures who use their fists to cover their minds.
My Photographer
We own Friendship bracelets. Guess what mine says, lol.
I believe in God. Don't come to me with your conformist bullshit, telling me how God abandoned you, i will throw a speech in your face.
That's me, I'm a horrible person who will live a short life of misery, here's to enjoying every second of it.
She's all I'll ever need. Even if I do look like an angry spider monkey.
Guitar[s] My Lungs
This instrument pretty much defines me. It allows me to express who, how, where, and why I am. With it, I'm able to define several solid factors of my personality. It can be:
1) Dark, grungy, hating, loud, low.
2) Mellow, slow, easy-going, nice, quiet, and soft.
3) Fast, Cool, Catchy, Creative, and certainly leaves it's mark when you're done listening.
Music My Brain
Influencing my very thought of life, music is what controls me. It can throw me into a bundle of remorse, sorrow, self neglect. It can give me wings and take me to a world of never-ending blooming of love, and promiscuous variations of joy and happiness. Music is the most beautiful thing to be created by man. Though one day to be destroyed, music will live as/in my mind for ages afterward.
Friends My Body
My friends, my best friends, my family. Always here for me. I could break down, knife to throat, and in seconds, one of these guys would show up to pull it away. Just as I would pull that very knife from their throats in the same situation. Without some of these guys, I'd be nothing. Reduced to the rubble I'd be without the glue they are. Guys, I love you all so much, seriously. All of you.
And everyone else. I love you guys.