Gimme some good food, fine wine, and good ambient music to go with and I'm kosher. Otherwise, chilling at bars with nice ambience is always gravy. Who says guys don't go to clubs to dance?? That's ridickless. Obsessed with Street Fighter 3, but nowhere as good as people think I am. Mess with Heinz, you mess with me.
I'd say everyone, but when it comes down to it... I usually keep friends who are not flakes, aren't stingy/selfish, not pretentious, and genuine. That's not a lot to ask for is it?
Asian pop, Trance, Hip Hop, Rap, Classical, Acid Jazz, Jungle, Ambient, anything that sounds good! Except for Country and Rock ;P.
V for Vendetta, Contact, Adaptation, Pulp Fiction, Pi, Blow, Leon the Professional, Ocean's Eleven, Sideways, There's Something About Mary, Memento, Shawshank Redemption, Moulin Rouge, Unbreakable, The Last Samurai... the list is neverending.
Art books :D
Definitely my dad and mom--anybody can go far with hard work alone. Ryu and Ken for showing me how to throw a fireball; Guile for showing me how to perfect it. So I love Street Fighter, can't blame me for it ;). Don't tell me you didn't grow up with Street Fighter, yeah.. you know what I mean.