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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

LOL is what I like to do all the time. Havin good times with good company and just being chill. People call me the random dude, the party dude, the preppy boy, clean guy, and they all fit me quite well but there are more labels yet to be given. Nice dude is one of them, but pushover is not. I think my Gemini sign lives up to me pretty well (yeah, it lives up to ME and not the other way around :P do I sound a little egocentric?); different personalities at any given time. A shape shifter even. Though an easy going guy with his back straight.

My Interests

Gimme some good food, fine wine, and good ambient music to go with and I'm kosher. Otherwise, chilling at bars with nice ambience is always gravy. Who says guys don't go to clubs to dance?? That's ridickless. Obsessed with Street Fighter 3, but nowhere as good as people think I am. Mess with Heinz, you mess with me.

I'd like to meet:

I'd say everyone, but when it comes down to it... I usually keep friends who are not flakes, aren't stingy/selfish, not pretentious, and genuine. That's not a lot to ask for is it?


Asian pop, Trance, Hip Hop, Rap, Classical, Acid Jazz, Jungle, Ambient, anything that sounds good! Except for Country and Rock ;P.


V for Vendetta, Contact, Adaptation, Pulp Fiction, Pi, Blow, Leon the Professional, Ocean's Eleven, Sideways, There's Something About Mary, Memento, Shawshank Redemption, Moulin Rouge, Unbreakable, The Last Samurai... the list is neverending.




Art books :D


Definitely my dad and mom--anybody can go far with hard work alone. Ryu and Ken for showing me how to throw a fireball; Guile for showing me how to perfect it. So I love Street Fighter, can't blame me for it ;). Don't tell me you didn't grow up with Street Fighter, yeah.. you know what I mean.

My Blog

If youre my friend...

don't CROSS ME.  I'm a nice guy and always willing to help out, but don't try to take advantage of my friendship.  If I'm trying to help out and I'm no cause for your sour attitude, point it...
Posted by Renny on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:55:00 PST

50 best tips for workouts

I took a few hours to type up an article found in a Muscle & Fitness magazine that I think is very helpful when approaching workout with best effectiveness.  It was a long type, I urge you to...
Posted by Renny on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:27:00 PST