About Me
All About Doc Hometown: Bronx, New York
Marital Status: Married
Eyes: 2
Hair: Just like that in the above picture
Birthday: November 10th
Pets: 1 Dog and 2 stinkin' cats
Hobbies: Doing things with my family
Ideal Date: One that my wife wouldn't catch me on.
How I got into radio: I was very fortunate...this is what I love
If I could meet someone (dead or alive) who would it be and why: I would pick someone alive. Lunch with a dead person is demented.
Stupidest thing I've ever done: Suggest McFly should join the show
CDs in my car: None...I only have a cassette deck
Personal Quote: Be kind to the people you meet on the way up because they are the same people you are going to meet on the way down.
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