Reverend Emy & Pastor Joe Stephenson profile picture

Reverend Emy & Pastor Joe Stephenson

About Me

Rapture Ministries was founded under God's leadership to the less fortunate than ourselves. Revd. Emerald Stephenson answered the call to go unto the streets of London and Kenya against all opposition. This woman was so convinced that God is with her and with share determination, the favour of God and her faith she embarked on her mission. For Rapture Ministries and its partners this is now a monumental achievement and puts this organisation on record for achieving what looked so impossible.

The vision was to:

1.Reach as many homeless individuals on the streets of London with nightly drinks, food, clothes, shoes, blankets and most of all the gospel of Jesus saving grace.
2. To accommodate help for those on low income and single parent families thus fostering self-help in our local community.
3. To reach and adopt as many orphans in Kenya, Ghana, and Uganda whose parents have either died from AIDS and Malaria, they themselves are suffering from malnutrition or other related diseases. Many have been forces to leave their homes due to no food or shelter.
4. To build orphanages, Schools, Health Clinics, Churches and a Hospital.
Piloting our work in Kenya and the African continent is Pastor Joseph Stephenson. With his team they are serving the communities throughout Kenya, Ghana and Uganda, as they continue to sponsor children throughout their education. A brand new church has just been completed, and they move to the next strategic plan of the Building of the Health Clinic, and the guest-house in Tindinya. In Tiriki, the land is purchased but against all the struggles with the governmental obstacles another health clinic and orphanage is ear-marked for Tiriki under the registered charity of Rapture Ministries self-help group working with the Open Bible Churches. We will network with some exciting projects that Rapture are proposing to do including a project, that orphans go through an entire boarding school education from the ages of 2 18 years of age. Every child has potential, they are dying needlessly from Aids, Malnutrition, avoidable infection or disease or infections spreading through contaminated water. The lack of education means they have little opportunity to learn skills, which could help them. Tragically, at a very early age, many have given up hope for a better life and turn to drugs and sniffing glue.


Upcoming Generation, founded by Rapture Ministries, is well aware that a child can only realise their true potential in a thriving community that has the skills and resources that would enable then to be self-sufficient, so we at Rapture strive to make a lasting improvement to childrens future from a very early age.
Rapture is working in the Borough of Croydon supplying parental help in the form of a Breakfast Club, Pre-school/Nursery, After school club, Saturday school and Out of Term Time Play schemes. Our survey and continuous request from parents, carers and the church we will make a real difference to many childrens self-esteem and confidence and with this build a strong personal link over their early years.


Under the leadership of Pastor Joseph Stephenson this ministry has received borough-wide recognition, and night watch for the support it gives to the homeless at nights.


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Member Since: 18/07/2006
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