Make Money with Your Paypal AccountDo You Need an Extra Income? Quicklyand legally?Do you have a PayPal Account? (Ifnot, the set up takes 10-15minutes.)You could make up to $5,000 in onemonth's time with more money comingin every month thereafter!this system isCOMPLETELY LEGAL!!!I'll try to keep it short andsweet.To get started just copy this wholepage and paste it to edit it. Simplyfollow the instructions below and in2 to 3 weeks, you will have as muchas $5,000 dollars in your PayPalaccount or even more.Most people respond to this programbecause of the low investment ($10dollars) and the high profitpotential. There is no limit to theincome you can generate from this(you can do it over and over). Ifyou follow the instructions, youwill reach thousands of people!Integrity makesthis system work.I think everyone has heard ofPayPal. Anyone with an e-mailaddress can join for FREE! If you'renot already a PayPal user, the firstthing you need to do is sign up.Sign-up for paypal herewww.paypal.comIt's really easy to set up and it'sFREE!!! Just make sure you have aBusiness or Premier account or youmay be subjected to a monthly incomelimitation which may slow thisprogram down.Send $5 to the first person on thelist by using the paypal send moneyfeature, and include in the email:Please add me to your list. Thiskeeps the program legal. Then sendanother $5 to the 5th person on thelist, with an email that says, Thankyou. I've joined.Remove the 1st e-mail address andplace your address at the bottom.This moves the 2nd to 1st, 3rd to2nd, 4th to 3rd, and the 5th placeinto 4th.DO NOT TRY TO PLACE YOURSELF IN THEFIRST PLACE. IT WILL ONLY REACH THEPEOPLE YOU SEND IT TO, AND THEN YOURNAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST!If you do this the way it wasdesigned, it will reach thousands bythe time your name gets to the top.REMEMBER TO SEND a $5.00 dollardonation to the 1st e-mail addressand the message "PLEASE ADD ME TOYOUR LIST," and send an email withthe words 'THANK YOU. I'VE JOINED"and the other $5.00 donation to the5th person.This helps the 5th person keep trackof progress of the letter andcontinue to send out more emails.Here is the list:1.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected](Make sure it's the same e-mailaddress that you used to open yourPayPal account. This is the way youwill receive payment)Now that you have paid the 1stperson and 5th person and sent themboth an email, a note, and placedyour e-mail address in the 5thplace, then what you need to do ispost your letter. You can post, message boards andnewsgroups (there are thousands!),and you can even send in an email toyour email list. IT IS YOUR JOB ASTHE 5TH PERSON ON THE LIST TO ENSURETHERE ARE AT LEAST 20 "THANK YOU.I'VE JOINED" replies. The fifthperson is the guardian of thesystem! If there are not at least 20replies then the fifth person willkeep sending/posting the letteruntil there is.MAKE SURE YOU SEND $5 DOLLARS TO THEFIRST PERSON TO THANK THEM FOR WHENTHEY WERE THE GUARDIAN OF THE LETTERAND $5 DOLLARS TO THE FIFTH PERSONSO MORE EMAILS CONTINUE TO GO OUT!Other people will see yourposting and do the exact same thing,bringing you lots and lots ofdollars!! Seriously, its commonsense.
Here are the step-by-step directionsagain:Step 1.
Set up your PayPal account, if youdon't already have one, and send thetop name (1st person) $5.00 dollars.DON'T FORGET to include "Please addme to your list." This is importantas it keeps the program legal.Step 2.
Send the other $5.00 dollars and ane-mail stating "Thank you. I'veJoined" to the 5th name on the list.Step 3.
Remove the top name, bump the other4 names up one place each. Placeyour name in the bottom slot and youwill receive a minimum of $100.00 ormore from your efforts.Step 4.
Keep sending/posting the letteruntil you get 20 "Thank you. I'vejoined" replies in your mailbox.That's it. It's that simple!Please give it an honest effort, youwill not be disappointed and will bevery glad you did when it starts towork. Remember, all you are going tobe out of pocket is about the costof a couple of coffees with theopportunity of banking thousands ofdollars into your PayPal account!Take the smallest risk of your life.Take 10-20 minutes to work on thissmall project and reap the rewards!