Natural and alternative healing. Massage. Body wraps. Aromatherapy and essential oils used medicinally. Hydrotherapy. Herbs. Permaculture. Green living. Plants. InDidjInUs family gatherings. Freak shows. Corde lisse. Fire dancing. Acrobatics. Contact juggling. Gymnastisc. Trapeze arts. Devil sticks. Martial arts, escrima and JKD. Didjeridoos. Contortionists. Roller skating. Costumes. Dancing. Art. I like to make stuff. I like to build stuff. Pretty jewelry, chainmaille, pottery and hand made anything. Tatoos and piercings. Astrology. Growing and using herbs. Good movies. White chocolate mochas. Being the master of my own mind. A cool breeze blowing on my face when I'm sleeping. Flowers and gardens. Camping and camp fires. Fire flies, lightning storms. The sound of wind blowing through bamboo. Physics and metaphysics. The intricacies of the universe. Science. The Earth and it's inhabitants. A good hug. The smell of the forest especially after it rains. Sitting in a hot spring when it's snowing. Warm rain. The sound of snow crunching like crem brule. Being smeared with mud. Smearing other people with mud. Butterfly kisses, escimo kisses. Chewey brownies, mmmmmmmm chewey brownies..... sdrawkcab kaeps ot gniyrt. A good belly laugh. Bubbles. The cool swirly rainbows inside of bubbles. Ribbon dancing. Spirals. Fractals. Psychedelics. Sunshine. And GLITTER... lots and lots of glitter!
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Artists and creative thinkers of all kinds. Friendly people. People who can be in and enjoy the moment. Rebels. Actors, permaculture geeks, fire dancers, circus folk {not the scary kind} and musicians of all kinds. Photographers and people who dream about making movies. Gardeners. Beetboxers and mouth musicians.
Bjork, Tom Waits, Trillian Green, India Arie, Primus and anything Les Claypool does, Beck, Erykah Badu, Tool, Portishead, Cibo Matto, Massive Attack, Morphine, Outback, Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, soul sistas like Ella Fitzgerald anything that makes me wanna shake my booty.Erykah Badu ft Common - Love Of My Life (An Ode To Hip Hop)
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Fight Club, Natural Born Killers, Amalie, Spirited Away, Waking Life, Memento, Team America, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I try not to watch too much T.V. but I am a sucker for comedy like Who's Line Is It Anyway, Dharma and Greg, Dave Chapelle and The Simpsons.
The Holographic Universe and Be Here Now. The Hidden Messages in Water is excellent also. Gaia's Garden is sweet.
Dharma {of Dharma & Greg}, India Arie, Bjork and all positive, strong, goddess women. The Dalai Lama. people who stand up for the earth, equality, freedom, acceptance and tolerance for differences between people.Thief gets bodyslammed by chick
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