x F i v e ♥ -On Temporary Hiatus- profile picture

x F i v e ♥ -On Temporary Hiatus-


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† The Project, its storyline, and all characters involved in it were created by me; it is an original work and has not been published but it is copyrighted. Do not ask me if you can role play as one of my characters, the answer is hell no~† This account's default character is Project Case Number: Five, the main character in The Project, but if you want the chance to role play with another Number or Negative just ask and I will gladly be that character for you. I usually wont bring another character into a role play with Five since I know some people find it annoying when someone role plays more then one person on a profile. If I really feel the need to do that though, I will most likely ask for your permission first.† Talking OOC in bulletins is fine, role playing in bulletins I won’t do.† The rest is simple, if your post isn't to my standards (Multi Para) or it just doesn’t interest me; I wont reply to it. So yes, you could be an excellent role player, but if I'm not into the post you gave me, I wont force myself to reply sorry.† If I stop an RP in the middle, it’s because I got bored with it, again sorry.† I hate it when people keep changing their characters when in the middle of an RP with me, if you do this I will probably disown you.† My mind is not a race car and my fingers don't move at the speed of light; I take my sweet time when replying to someone. And depending on how busy I am away from the computer; it may take me a few days or weeks to reply† Girls. I hate to say it but the default character to this profile has issues with them. It isn't racism, its just some silly fear, so don't take it personal if I don't reply to a post where my character will just end up running away from yours. If you still feel the need to role play with me, ask me to be another character, one that isn't troubled by the female existence.† If you add me don’t expect me to start a RP, hell I don’t even start a RP with 95% of the people I add.† Don't ask me to comment your things.† I can edit pictures, but I probably wont edit yours~† I love RP abuse/rape/blood lust; so come torment my character. † I won't tell you where I made my overlay; you will just get confused and give up on it. I will however make you one if you ask nicely and if I have time. Also you can't have my phone number, I don't like talking to people; and I won't give you my picture since I hate cameras ♥ You are welcome to give me pictures and signs though <3† You don't like the way I work; delete me. I wouldn't want you to suffer because of my existence~That's all for now.

To Proceed Any Further Please Log In Username: Project Case Number: Five Password: 55555 Access To ‘The Project’ Files: Granted ... Warning: Access To Edit These Files Is Not Permitted! ... Warning! Alert: A Hacker Has Been Detected Within The System....Warning: Are You Sure You Want To Delete File 'Mission Status For: Project Case Number: Five'? Yes. No.File Deletion: Complete ... The Project Main File:
Alert: In Order To Read This File You Must First Put In The PasswordPassword: FavoriteFive Incorrect Password Please Try AgainPassword: FailureFour Incorrect Password Please Try AgainPassword: LuckySeven Incorrect Password Please Try Again...System Shut Down: On ..._Time Remaining: 00:00 Backup System Initializing Please Wait...Tracking Hacker's Computer To SourceLocation Found: Seiko Takahara ResidenceSearching Databases For Image Match...One Match Found: Project Case Number: Five Requesting Picture Visual...
...Error: Unable To Locate Mission Status For The Following People: -Boss -Numbers One Through Ten -Negatives Zero Through Negative Four -All Other Associates Within The Project Complete File Retrieval: Unsuccessful -Only The Following Information About Five Could Be Located:Description: 'He Is Naive And Innocent Yet Can Be Distant And Unfeeling. Unstable And Bi-Polar; Five Is Like An Unbalanced Chemical ...♥' 'Fivey-Kin's Heart Is Delicate Like Paper, Handle It Too Roughly And You Will Rip It In Half...♥' Birthday: July 1st Status: Polygamous Relationships Height: 5’2 Weight: 90 Pounds Ethnicity: Japanese Education: Online Classes Cover 'Job': Normal Student Occupation: Heart Abuser ♥ PainterFive Is: Five Has: Five Loves:Five Hates:Attention: One Document Found

Prologue; Brief Summary: In Kyoto, Japan 1991 a young couple lived happily together, waiting for their child to be born. The man's name was Yukishiro and his wife was Ai, their last name was Takahara . Yukishiro was a psychology professor at one of the top universities in Japan and Ai was a rather famous artist in that region. Both were kind and friendly people, Yukishiro was a bit calmer and composed in some moments where as Ai could be a bit more childish and bubbly. On the rainy day of July 1st it came time for the two to go to the hospital for their child to be birthed. On the way though, a rather reckless driver sped down the road though it was wet from the rain. The vehicle slid and crashed into theirs, killing Yukishiro immediately. Ai lived though; long enough to give birth to a miraculously healthy baby boy before she passed away from blood lose. He was born right at 5 o clock and was named Seiko , meaning Truth. Very soon after his birth Seiko was sent to the orphanage for no blood relatives were around to care for them. Two weeks later a very powerful figure stepped into Kyoto, known by all as Boss, in which he adopted the child he had been expecting to take all along. Seiko's name was taken away and all of his files were stored somewhere only Boss can get to. Seiko was now Project Case Number: Five, which is who he remained for 16 years before being allowed to release his true title.

Attention: One Journal Entree FoundDate: 08/15/07 They Say Love Lasts Forever. But The Love You Have For A Certain Person, May Not Last That Long. But Love, Overall Never Dies. - FiveComplete Classified Picture File:http://s102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/I_Am_Five/Error: The Following People's Photos Could Not Be Found: -Doctors A Through D And F Through P -The Project's Classmates -Project Case Negative: Three's Cult Members: Takada, Yuki, Megumi, and Akira -Other Workers Within Headquarters And The ProjectThe Lovely Quotes: -'...If It Doesn't Hurt...Then It Isn't Love...♥'- -'It Only Takes One Person To Take A Life. Five Fingers to hold a gun; Only Five Fingers Needed To Kill'- -'...A Bullet For Your Thoughts?'- Music File:

My Blog

Poem: For Someone, Everyone, And No One.

I tried to not think about you today But only ended up thinking about you more So I wrote you up this poem And I thought it turned out okay And then I came to the conclusion You would think it was cor...
Posted by x F i v e ♥ -On Temporary Hiatus- on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:04:00 PST

Poem: Words Of Truth In A Book Of Lies

-Hello To Those Who Choose To Read This, I am DC. You may have known me as The God of Insanity Or as one of my other many characters It has been a few months since I have written poetry So forgi...
Posted by x F i v e ♥ -On Temporary Hiatus- on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 10:25:00 PST