Well... Most of you know that i love BRITNEY HOLZER, but for the ones that dont know, I fell in love with britney about a year ago. The first sign of love for me was when ever i would see britney or talk to her, she took my breath away, and she still does and for the rest of my life she will take my breath away. People think that there is no such thing as high school sweet hearts now a days, but i can promise you this, that i will marry my high school sweet heart britney holzer. We are so attached, that noting can come between us, and that is a fact. I love you Britney Holzer. Well... Britney is my number 1 interest and she knows that, i spend so much time with her that i feel like were married, and our families say we act like we are married because were so crazy about eachother. If you havent seen the notebook you should, and that will explian true love to you and then you will know how i feel. And i am going to die with britney when im really old, same day, same minute, same second, thats how close we are. I like to skate, again, i thought i would give it another shot. I also play soccer and its my favorite sport, and britney should know about that. I like to play guitar and whenever im not doing anything i pick it up and play. I spend as much time as possible with britney and we always have fun adventures and we try to stay out of the house, and enjoy the outdoors.
i am really curious about that darn tooth fairy and i already met the love of my life, so the toothfairy it tis'. and the boogieman. I would like to meet as many people as i can because the more friends you have the better your life will possibly be.
Anything with a good beat
1st & Hope
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FUK TELIVISION. WARPS YOUR MIND. Well, that explains why my mind is warped, i watched alittle to much television when a was a wee little lad, but it did teach me a few things, like what to say to a girl to get her attention. It also taught me how to ride a bike and fly a hang glider, and best of all, it taught me how throw donuts onto pole s while the poles are flying through the air.
I EAT BOOKS FOR BREAKFAST, i really enjoy waking up and just chomping down on a book. The best book is The Once and Future King, it taste great. It has a perfect mixture of ink and paper, goes good with donuts.hahahahahaha!!!!
MY COUSIN CHRIS HAHN, If you haven't met Chris Hahn than you really should because he is a true bad ass. He will kick anyone's ass if they just look at him. This fool is straight up Gansta, he'll cap your ass in one second. When he goes to parties he arrives with his best 45 and you better not get on his bad side, I have seen him shoot a guy, that guy was right next to me. It frighten me seeing death. The first time I saw his low rider s-10 i was like DAMN!!!!!! That shits tight. lok at dos reems man, tightest shings ive eva seen. They red man, reddest reems in the world. One day i hope to roll with him and all of his vitoes'.hahahaha. for reals.