draw when I'm preoccupied?~Computer geek!(lov ta surf the net and explore~Composer?("Touch w/o AnY Love") a sad one hmmmm...~OuT of ThIs WoRld~WilliNG ta TrY AnythIn'~LoVE ta EaT~HaTe NiCe PeoPLe, prefer snobbiSh Type-HaRd Ta GeT~WaNt TrUE coLOuR~BeAuty WiThin"i wanted to live N die BEAUTIFUL haha~LoVe FrOgS~MooD SwInGs~Honest~SoMeHow ConSerVatiVe~SiMplE~FaT~ExpressiVe Eyes and the SmILE~HaTe BacKStAbbEr-tElL it Ta Ma FaCE plEase~No ResPeCt sOmeTimEs~ExaGertD~EnErGeTic~LittLe GirL~PaInTinGs~SpOrtY-dOeS it sHoW?~LoVe SwEEts But I'm Not so SwEeT-Believ me I TriEd~Won'T ApOLoGize if NoT mY FaulT~"DoN'T BoTher"~OnE TrUe and PuRE LoVe-ETeRNaL LoVE~HaTe ManiacS-BuRn In HeLL!~EmBrAcE-LeMme FeEL thaT YoU CARe~CoMitMenTs SuX~LoVe OLdiEs-ReLaXiNG~NoT A PaRTy AnIMaL~DoNt Go Ta ChuRch nEmoR~HaTe To Please PeoPLe-LoVe me oR HaTe me~CLoWN~GiV ma BeSt SoMetimes~Pc GaMes~WEiRd~BaDuY Eva~ Hate CrOwDs* Hmp!ENuff of THis AnTok Na Me(- -,)