My Babies!
Photography, Astrology, Poetry, Music, Old Mustangs, Astronomy, Horse back riding, Writing, Water Sports, Animals, Driving with the top down, and Tequila!!!!
I am starting to relize the only thing that I don't like about living in the country, is how hard it is to meet new friends. So here I am! Hopefully to meet some awsome new friends and maybe find a few I've lost touch with along the way. Who knows???
I Love all kinds of music, as long as it has RYTHEM!
The Notebook, Evolution, Labryneth, The Dark Crystal, Shrek, Underworld, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Never Ending Story, City of Angels & Scary Movies!
Smallville, Supernatural, American Idol, Heros & Cartoons.
Nicholas Sparks, Tami Hoag, Dean Koontz, VC Andrews, Stephen King. I feel more at home in a good Suspence!
GOD! Vincent Cordry! People who never give up on there DREAMS!