Handsome Productions profile picture

Handsome Productions

Peter Laughner, Derica, Guyliners, Backdoor Men

About Me

we have taken down our SNOCRAP page because in a tradition of ripping off hard working artists, the ex-napster folks at IMEEM when they bought the site from their ex-boss Shawn Fanning, decided it would be fun to delete anybody who's store name differed at all from their main band's name. which no doubt was anybody who ran a record label. no doubt they did this because they probably couldn't afford to pay so many people, they needed a good excuse to not pay them. they owed me 50 dollars. so thank you very much so everybody that participated in our SNOCRAP experiment. but it's done nothing but prove that SNOCAP sucks, SNOCAP is a scam, and very soon according to folks at mp3.com at other insiders, SNOCAP is done, son! pull out before you lose any more money you could be making with a different website PLEASE. because anything you kind folks ordered from SNOCAP from handsome productions, i'm now never going to get paid for. so we will be finding another way to bring laughner to the world of mp3 paid downloading soon. sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you guys and if you see the SNOCAP page on a google search DO NOT USE IT! i do not have an account there anymore yet they won't delete the MyStore so if you buy anything I WILL NOT GET THE MONEY, IMEEM will take it for themselves, yet another shady move from some extremely shady people that i'm disgusted to say are supposed to be of 'my generation' whatever that is. -derica

Peter Laughner

from Peter Laughner: A Brief History by derica...

Peter played guitar on the first two Pere Ubu singles and that's how most know of him. But the real legacy lies in his own music. The songs that he wrote and the many bands that he led. Insisting nobody would be interested in his own songs and that nobody would want to play them, his bands mostly did half covers/half originals. Peter formed a band in High School in 1968 with friends Dan Pliske, Rob Stewart, Craig Ferrier, and Russ Williams (who was eventually replace by Don Harvey), which he christened Mr. Charlie (perfect name for a white blues band, isn't it?) At graduation, everybody went their separate ways. Peter went off to San Francisco with Charlotte Pressler for a couple months. According to Charlotte, Peter solo acoustic didn't really work out there because "'What Goes On' doesn’t really work too well on the folk guitar".... click here to read the rest of derica's Peter Laughner mini-biography .


from fan reviews on cdbaby.com

"Out behind a trailer park in North Ridgeville, Ohio there's a swamp with a direct plumbing line to the Delta spring where Led Zeppelin reputedly drank the devil's water on their way to Los Angeles in nineteen seventy somewhat. In the midst of this swamp is one big ol' gnarly oak tree with a surprise hidden megawatt root power outlet running on radioactive diesel by-products clandestinely dumped long ago by Sohio. From this green-glowing boll-hidden socket snakes the tangled doggie-chewed cord to derica's amplifier...the static electricity alone will slap you silly. In summation, buy this record if you like 'lectric blues and want in on the biggest unsung legend since Fahey pumped his last gas in Takoma Park."

"“Exit 2-3-1” reminds me of a dark lonely night on the highway driving in a downpour." "“can’t u see that I’m falling” sounds to me like it could be an outtake from a j. mascis album. a song that he could of played on "martin + me" with girls on backing vocals. derica’s voice sounds to me a bit like craig finns’ voice of “the hold steady“. but more melodic and minus the stories of minneapolis/ st. paul. This is all code for, I really dig it."

"Roots music like you don't hear often enough these days..."

Handsome Productions is a record label started by Paul Nickels and currently managed by Derek DePrator (derica). The label started as a way for Paul to put to CD and sell the works of the band he had joined in the late 70's w/ the Cook brothers and Terry Hartman called The Backdoor Men. A 'real' lp was done at 609 with Don Depew with most of the original members plus Derica on Bass/Guitar/Some Vocals. The label then did a small CD release for When The Train Left The Station by The Atomic Crash to sell along with the larger 12" release in Germany on DHYANA Records. Since then, Handsome has released Derica's Medicate LP and Blues Three Different Ways CD single. With the addition of Derica to Handsome in '02, the works of Peter Laughner have been added to the catalog. We are proud to also say that we are working with the punk label Smog Veil to produce a Laughner collection that puts Take The Gtr Player... to shame. We will share some oddities in the Laughner catalog that don't fit onto any of the cd's on this website.
We have just posted some of the Laughner material that we also have out on CD, our little experiment worked, so now you'll get to pay download Laughner music for the first time!


My Interests


Member Since: 7/17/2006
Band Website: handsomeproductions.com
Band Members: derica - Peter Laughner archivist and biographer. Solo artist, singer and guitarist for The Backdoor Men.

Paul Nickels - Website design, ringleader, Drummer/Guitarist/Vocalist/Producer for The Backdoor Men.
Original Handsome Productions concept by original Backdoor Men Manager Dave Lach as a name for whenever the Backdoor Men would put together a show with other bands in the late 70's.
Sounds Like:
Peter Laughner - solo, Friction, Peter and The Wolves, Cinderella Backstreet, Cinderella's Revenge, The Original Wolverines, ex-Pere Ubu, etc.

derica - "The Ultimate Queen of the Blues" Cleveland veteran Multi-Instrumentalist and Androgynist derica unleashes bluesy wrath on Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Columbus, and soon *your* city.

Guyliners - Newly signed to handsomeproductions by derica, Guyliners is the project of one Guy Joseph (Joe) Tarowsky from D's old hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. derica would like you to know that the Guy's sound a lot like The Who if they were lead by Elvis Costello.

The Backdoor Men - Dan and Chris Cook, Terry Hartman, Paul Nickels, plus Don Harvey, Jimi Juhn, derica, Samantha Schartman, more, ex-members include "Wild" Bill Hagan and Casey Meers.

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

what's YOUR favourite Peter Laughner song? we need your opinions, really.

Howdy Laughner fans, are we Cleveland, Ohio's Handsome Productions. Home to Derek DePrator and his band The Square Casanovas, The Backdoor Men, and Peter Laughner. We have 10 cd's of the man's work on...
Posted by Handsome Productions on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 03:42:00 PST