...::About Me::...
Full Name: Stephanie *Crowned*
Eye Color: Changes
Hair Color: Changes
Height: 5'9
Shoe Size: Not tellin'
Ring Size: Don't Know
Heritage: Black-Italian
Graduating Year: 2005(HS) 2010(BA)
Birthdate: August 8
Zodiac Sign: LEO(Grrrr!)
Concert: 107.9 B-Day Bash
Best Friend: So many----Jazzy Bell, Brezzy, Bea, T
Crush: O'
Pet: Snoop
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: NO
Bungee Jumped: NeVeR
Gone out of the Country: Canada???
Beaten Someone Up: Yes (Not Proud of it...wel maybe)
Gotten Beat Up: NEVER
Killed an Animal: No
Swam in the Ocean: Yes
Broke the Law: ...hmmmmm
Smoked: Yes
Chewed Tobacco: No
Drank: Yes
Been Kissed: Yes
Been In Love: Sadly
Dumped Someone: Yes
Been Dumped: Yes
Broken Someone's heart: Yes
Had Your Heart Broken: Yes
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Not Sure
Broken A Bone: No
Had Surgery: No
Had an X-ray or MRI: No
Failed a Class: Yes...LOL! PE
Color: Purple (the color of Royalty)
Food: Anything at a Chinese Resturaunt
Drink: Amaretto Sour-Henny--Lemon Drops
Snack: Salt and Vingear Chips
Cereal: Lucky Charms(or the boot-leg version will do)
Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Candy: Twizzlers
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Fast Food Place: Checkers
Store: Know Style
Animal: Lion--Panther
Quote: "Impossible is Nothing." - Muhammed Ali
Sport To Play: Basketball--Kickball
Sport To Watch: Boxing
Movie: Titanic--Fast and Furious Toyko Drift
TV Show: Avatar
Type Of Music: Neo Soul--Reggae
Band: N/A
Singer: Jill Scott---Erkyah Badyu---Mary J Blige
Song: All I Need: Method Man and Mary J
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: CHOCOLATE--(How I like my men)
Cake or Ice Cream: Ice Cream
McDonalds or Burger King: Mickey Ds
Love or Money: Both (more so $)
Music or TV: Music
Cat or Dog: Cat
Mom or Dad: Both
Truck or Car: Car
Ocean or Lake: Ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: Yahoo
Google or AJ: Google
Light or Dark: Light (still scared of the dark)
Country or City: City
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine (rainy nights)
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: Lips--Eyes--Body--Shoes
Personality or Looks: Personality--60% Looks--40%
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown (light eeyed men cant be trusted)
Short or Tall: Tall
Romanic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous
Sense of Humor or Sweet: Sense of Humor
Hook up or Relationship: Hook up
Feeling: Asi Asi
Listening To: the radio
Wanna: Smoke
Doing Besides Typing: nothing
Thinking About: Me
Wearing: Nothing.. sike.. pajamas
In Love: Hell Naw
Single: Yes
Best Friends: same as above
...::The Future::...
Career: Teacher and Lawyer
Marriage: ........Maybe
Kids: Of Course
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