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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

WE r the SILICON VALLEY RUGBY FOOTBALL club we r rated num 3 in Nor Cal.2005 Nor Cal Semifinalists2005 Skyhawk Conference Champions2004 Skyhawks Conference ChampionsLAST YEARS SCORES: Silicon Valley 56 - Alameda 0Silicon Valley 44 - Live Oak 0Try for Others (Sac town tour) 2-1Silicon Valley 10 - Peninsula Green 5Silicon Valley 53 - Valley Christian 12Silicon Valley 22 - Aptos 10Silicon Valley 16 - East Palo Alto 5Silicon Valley 25 - Canada 5Silicon Valley 34 - College Park 10Silicon Valley 13 - East Palo Alto 5Silicon Valley 5 - Los Altos 0(f)Silicon Valley 15 - Live Oak 5Silicon Valley 5 - Redwood 0 (f)Pacific Coast High School InvitationaSilicon Valley14 - Hayward 12Silicon Valley 10 - Del Oro (Allstars) 02006 SEASON ALL BLACK TRANING CAMP AND CANADA TOUR SIGN UP NOW FOR ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON WWW.SILICONVALLEYRUGBY.ORG

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jonny*(-eggy) Wilkinson.... if u know rugby, then u know! (I dont know if i spelled his name right...) oh and shawn goldberg! that guy VINCE is so fucken tight...i wanna have sex with him forever! also, that guy eggy can ruck me anyday... Isaac: goldberg...hes hot

My Blog


go to play the song the whole way thru so it votes for my cuz's band..then tell ur frends to do the same -JP
Posted by on Mon, 07 Mar 2005 20:10:00 GMT