Maria Walsh - Americas Naughty Mommy
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When she first takes the stage you think the girl next door, maybe a PTA soccer mom? You soon realize she more like one of guys and far from the average mom. Growing up with four older brothers Maria learned fast that she enjoyed being the center of attention. Her quick wit and great stage persona makes her appealing to audiences of all ages.
Listening to her amusing stories, and unorthodox parenting skills you will quickly understand why Maria is named Americas Naughty Mommy! "I will do anything for a good nights sleep, I gave my kids Benedryl and Dimetapp, a Mom needs her rest!" Maria Walsh is one of America's fastest rising female Comediennes. Her material is based mainly on her busy lifestyle as a wife, mother, and caretaker of her parents. Her comedy has earned the respect of bookers and club owners everywhere, she recently performed at the Boston comedy festival and well as Atlantic City and Caesars Palace.
She has quickly risen to the top of her comedy class! She now makes her living full-time traveling form city to city expressing her slightly twisted view on raising a family and life in general.
Please don't forget to come by after the show to say hello, and maybe get a few parenting tips!