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About Me

okay so it is time for me to write something that does not have a bad vibe to it. My name is Matthew Locklear a.k.a Matty lock a.k.a Locklear, lol. First off, I graduated from Morgan State University with a psychology degree which I am very proud of. I wish i could do something more with it but only time will tell if I will be able to. I am currently enrolled in Baltimore School of Massage. I hope this takes me into a career that I enjoy being in but, I am going to make sure that it does. I have a lot of good people in my life. Okay I have this beautiful women in my life and there is nothing bad I can say about her. She is the most beautiful women I have ever been with and have ever seen. Kristen we have been through a lot, but you stood by me and I love you for that. You are the greatest babe. I can't believe that you picked me to spend the rest of your life with. I am so lucky to have you. I love to hold you when we sleep at night babe, and I get frustrated when I don't have you to hold at night. I miss you everyday that I don't see you, but I like that because it makes it that much better when I see you. You are so smart babe, and you are going to be so successful which makes me so proud of you. I just want the world to know how much I love you. You are the greatest thing to happen to me. I could never imagine not being without you beautiful. We are meant for each other, I love you kristen noel serioFirst, my aunt has been the backbone of my life by letting me live in her house for longer than I intended,but I appreciate it more then she knows. Then there is kyle who has been my moral guidance throughout most of my life and his opinion means a lot when it comes time for it. Justin is another motivator who through all his hard work and effort has made me never stop trying in life. There are more people that encourage but that is a lot of typing.

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