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maldita aKOOH

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Ai am gurl who longs for an enchanting life. i am asure i'll find someday. i am nobody but me. running from my mysterious life inside of me, that i didn't now i am. looking for things i do't know what? finding it too difficult to find. an endless dreamer of an endless nightmare of sleep here in my eyes i see. wlaking all alone in this road i take, wondering to go back from the start i made. i was afraid deception, treatery i found as i walk this enchanting life i made. homeless i feel by the cruel people who never help. %D%A%D%A %D%A"you closed your eyes just to kill the conversation, it's raining forever. i think i'll drown myself w/ my tears. why it does to be like this?? So it doesn't MEAN anything to you? So do you want to see loyalty? Are these tears not enough for you? By the SOUND of your MESSAGE. I felt you meant GOODBYE. the raining is never ending. Clutching my emotions. Remembering the moments passed. i thought it was okay my FEELING unfolded right before my eyes. WHAT DID YOUR EMBRACES MEA? DID YOU MEAN IT WHEN YOU CALL MY NAME??"%D%A%D%A too striking to takethat pose!!!%D%A%D%A "if you've been real w/ me, i'm still real w/ you.%D%Aif you got love for me, i still got love for you.%D%Aif you down for me, then i still down for you.%D%Aif you don't fuck w/ me, then i don't fuck w/ you.%D%Aif you ain't cool w/ me, then i ain't cool w/ you.%D%Aif you don't ride w/ me, then i won't ride w/ you too."%D%A ..

My Interests

music... fashion... clothes.. photography... modeling... art works.. tatoo... to be L O V E D!!!! im a pathetic lover...As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't suppose to ever let you down will probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder everytime. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your bestfriend and you'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pics, laugh too much and love like you've never been hurt. 'Cause every 60 seconds u spend is a minute of happiness you'll never get back!

I'd like to meet:

somebody... that is someone who can make me happy.. make me smile, make me laugh. and the one who will be there for me. the one who will love me in the morning.. never having to tell him to kiss me, to hug me, to be w/ me the rest of my life- sorry i'm a pathetic lover.%D%A%D%AH will never say goodbye and never leaves me all alone. wen i sleep he'll hug me.. he'll neve let me go. in the morning he will surprise me-flowers, kisses.. sure i'll remenber. whoever you are..i'll promise you i will do the same to you


anything that has beat and sound... i don't rely on one genra of music... coz i came from classical, emo, jazz, Rock, RnB, indie, hardcre, metal, ect... all kinds of music


magazines.. fashion, and music magazines


you know who you are.. your the only one that could save me and be my hero.. you know you can protct me, you know you can control me.. you know that you are mine.. and your "THe hero".