Melody Studio profile picture

Melody Studio

About Me


Melody Studio is located at 40 minutes from Paris (RN 12/Paris Montparnasse Station) at the border of the Yvelines and the Normandy gates.

Installed on 600 m2, the structure includes two studios (A and B), a large relaxing room with billiards-table, TV, DVD, baby-foot, a total equiped kitchen and two living-rooms.

For more than ten years, Melody Studio has worked for many artists with various styles going from acoustic trio, pop rock, varieties to the most extreme metal.

Thanks to adapted contracts (from HT.EUR 229,00/day) we can answer to your needs concerning a mix, recording, pre-production, demos and albums.

Our contacts can also help you in your research in lodging (hotels, guest-rooms, rural lodging, campings and Center Park), the neighbourhood offering many possibilities.

Visit on rendez-vous, estimation on demand.

Thank's to the artists, companies and producers who trust us: EMI, Wagram, XIII bis, Muséa, Universal, NTS, Holly rec, LMP, Lion Music, Editions de Paris, Steve Prestage, Anvil rec, Ange,Santa Fé, Patrick Larieux, Invictus, Banshee, Horesco Referens, Blind deaf and dumb, Luenta, Sensor of mind, SPV, Magic Kingdom, Mylidian, Jeffr, Nédra, Icewind, Pascal Mulot, Shannon, Misanthrope, Sébastien choir, Iron Masqu, Làam, M10, Green & White, Conseil général du Var, TPE, Headline, SPV, Adipocèere, AFM, Elend, Mona Lisa, Jean Sala, Lord of Mushroom, Blackstone, Mythic warriors...

SOM/"Tourner les pages"
Headline/"Exorcise me"
Blind Deaf and Dumb: "Pi"

My Interests


Member Since: 17/07/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:


Console: Soundtracs IL 36/32 + Optifile Tetra automation (80 channels at mixdown).

Recording: Alesis HD 24 (X2) 48 tracks, Alesis ADAT (X3) 24 tracks, MOTU system 48 in/out 32 bits 96 khz, Protools LE (including various plugins), Cubase SX, Fostex 16 analog.

Audio editing: Wavelab, Protools, Samplitude 2496, Soundforge, Logic Audio Platinium (+ plugs Antares, TC elec, Sonic Foundry, Wavelab.)

Microphones: Neumann, Audio Technica, Shure, AKG, Beyer, Sennheiser, Rode, Crown.

Mic Pre's: Drawmer, SPL, Focusrite.

Compressors: DBX, Yamaha, Behringer, TC Electronics.

EQ´s: Tascam,

Noise Gates: Aphex, Drawmer

Reverbs: TC Electronics, Lexicon, Alesis, Digitech, Yamaha REV 5 (X2), Yamaha SPX 90, Roland RS 880, SRV 2000.

Delays: TC Electronics 2290, Roland, Yamaha.

Multi effects: Eventide H 3000.

Mastering machines: Tascam DA 30 DAT, Tascam 32 ¼ inch.

Main monitors: JBL 4425 , Amcron.

Speakers, nearfield: Yamaha NS10, Mackie HR 824.


Console: Tascam 2524, (48 channels at mixdown),

Recording: Alesis ADAT (X3) 24 tracks, MOTU system 24 in/out, 16 bits/48 khz.

Audio editing: Cubase SX,Wavelab, Samplitude 2496, Soundforge, Logic Audio Platinium (+ plugs Antares, TC elec, Sonic Foundry, Wavelab.)

Microphones: Neumann, Audio Technica, Shure, AKG, Beyer, Sennheiser, Rode, Crown

Mic Pre's: Drawmer,

Compressors: DBX, Yamaha, Behringer, TC Electronics

Noise Gates: Aphex, Behringer.

Reverbs: Lexicon Lxp1/Lxp 5, Alesis, Digitech, Yamaha SPX 90, Behringer.

Delays: TC Electronics M one,

Multi effects: Yamaha REV 5

Mastering machines: Tascam DA 30 DAT.

Monitors: Yamaha NS 10

Various backline:

Drums: Pearl Export (3 toms, 1 floor, 1 kick), Mapex Mars Pro (4 toms, 2 floor, 2 kick) 3 snares, D Drum capters + Alesis DM 5 pro trigger Stands

Guitar gear: 4x12 cabinets Marshall & Mesa Boogie (X5) Marshall heads jcm 2000, Peavey 5150, VHT power amp POD, Digitech processors, SansAmp, Mesa Boogie Triaxis, Rocktron Hush 2 , Intellifex, Palmer active A/B box

Bass: 4x10 + 2x15 Marshall cabinets Marshall Dynamic system 4KW Tube Head

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Welcome !

Bonjour et bienvenus sur le blog de Melody Studio :-). On peut discutter de techniques d'enregistrement, de conseils pour votre production, d'équipement et on vous donnera quelques news des artis...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 00:31:00 GMT