Myrology, simply put is the science and worship of Myron. Myrologists believe that all elements of the universe, from the grass beneath your feet, to the stars above your head pass through Myron Samilla. Part religion part science, Myrology studies and analyses how the presence of Myron effects our world. Being a part of the global phenomenon that is Myron is a beautiful and ecclestial journey through the cosmos. By embracing Myrology, a sense of peace and serenity is innevitable by waking every morning to know that Myron is in your life. The science of Myrology is a deep and interwoven theory based on a few key principles: Myron is God, all creatures and elements on our planet (and in the solar system) were created by Myron, all these elements (including you) will return to Myron. Myron is everywhere. He is the force that allows me to type this very message. And by creating the internet, he has allowed those who did not realise his existence to be blessed with this knowledge. By accepting Myron in your heart and mind you become one with the universe. All hail Lord Myron!!
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