I'd like to own a pig one day. Name him Hamlet...yeah, that's the life for me.
Script: Kidané John Yohannes; Pencils/Inks/Lettering: Oliver Villar; Cover by Oliver Villar; Underground Men ©2006 Kidané John Yohannes and Oliver Villar; Created by Kidané John Yohannes and Oliver Villar; Seriously, don’t steal our shit – that’s not cool; Contact Info: [email protected], [email protected]
The Shins, Kanye West, & Norah Jones.
Shaun of the Dead, Snatch, and I Heart Huckabees.
30 Rock, The Office, and the Daily Show.
White Teeth, The Autograph Man, anything by Zadie Smith (marry me, Zadie!), Everything is Illuminated, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, 1984, Indian Killer, Underground Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ubik, A Scanner Darkly, anything by Philip K. Dick, The Harry Potter series, Pride of Baghdad, Y the Last Man, The Killing Joke, Born Again, We3, and others.
Anyone who can use a semicolon correctly; they're quite tricky.