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About Me

great guy, pretty cool and neat. Likes to dance/wiggle around, hide in forts or jungle, make fire and chant. run up mountains, play in ocean. All this still sums it up. I do like to dance believe it or not, or what I like to think is dancing. I enjoy any activity on, in, or near the water, to me this ranks higher than most things. I really appreciate nature and urban environments, I think our generation needs to focus on creating a sustainable way of living for future humans. I don't really like globalization and I don't think capitalism is the finest system of government; I'm also not a socialist. I believe in evolution of all things and systems. I enjoy good conversation, I do what I can to actually live life to its fullest, which means sometimes I take risks. I put fun in front of money, both have there place. I look forward to the future and hope to live young as long as possible. I enjoy reading and learning new things.