iLY ♫♩♪♫♩ [ZB4E] profile picture

iLY ♫♩♪♫♩ [ZB4E]


My Interests


H e l l o g o r g e o u s;



im not a perfect girl.
my hair doesnt alwyas stay in place &
i spill things a lot. im pretty clumsy &
sometimes i have a broken heart
my friends & i sometimes fight &
maybe some day nothing goes right.
but when i think about it & take a step back
i remember how amazing life truly is
& thats maybe. just maybe. i like being

about me

Hi my name is REHNEE LYNN BALLADA SANTIAGO but you can call me rehn-A,rehn,lynn or rL f' short.iiam made in PHILIPPINES, yeah im 100%PINAY && lurving't. breath'n f' 16yrz SEPTEMBER 1,1991 's mh day. iim TAKENbby so BACK OFF lol,s0phomore at harding h.s. ii have 3br0z&&0sis (unica hija)yaykzz... iiFcK'n hV ins0mNia.=/nYaiiKZz.. iim m0odi,cLumpsy,shY,qUieT,3m0&& camera/mysPace wh0re... iilove kEycHains, picTures,naiL poLish && mUsic(is my LIFE...) iima bAg&&sh0e LurV'r 50+pAirs 'f sh0es && 40+ bAgs DAMN o_o LOL. ii have b0dy, face, head, hair, eYes, n0se, earS, ibr0w, ilashes, teeth, lips, chEekS, cHin, JAw, aRms, FinGers, nAiLs, LeGs, FeeT, wAisT, HiPs, bBs, buTT && V iidnt have P && T . hahhha....iicant leave the h0use w/ouT gum, ph0ne(f' pics), cAnDii, Lip baLm, kEyz, && exTra P.(in cse 'f 'mergNcy) && iicant Live w/ouT myFAM, Friends, c0mpuTer, raDio, ph0ne(CAm) but ii can Live w/ouT YOU.=] iican c0ok, bakE, Laugh, cRii, sMiLE, sCreAM, siNg, dAnCe, wRiTe, waLk, rUn, juMP, sWim, TypE, SiT, sTanD, WiNK, cr0ss mY eYs, curL my hAir/t0nguE, drAw, rEad, kiSs(YOU), hUg(YOU), LoVe(YOU), haTe(YOU), kiCk(YOU), sLap(YOU), pUnCh(YOU), piNch(YOU), but ii cant KILL(YOU) && ii cant COUNT your hair.hahahaha

id like to meet

maybe u or maybe not!
ii wanna meet someone who i can trust, someone who i acn call my bestfriend, someone who i can tell anything, someone who can put smile whem im down and someone who can make me laugh no matter what. anyone who actually cares 'bout make friendships rather than just seeing how big they can make their friends list seriously people-- i enjoy meeting new people.
someone who is true, i hate fakes someone who will actually listens so we can share our prob. & not just being 't all about them. someone who will understand me & be cool with my weird fucked up ways. someone who actually read this && it applies to you.

Rehnee! Just Wanna let you know how special you are to me and how much u mean to me (ALOT) and how much i ♥LOVE♥YOU and love being with you and hope we are together for a long time! and never get seperated beacause your my Sexy littal filipino Girl and When your sad ill shere u up and if your happy ill be happy and if...well yeah you get it but yeah never forget how much ♥I LOVE YOU!♥ -Zackybear

-*danggg foshoo louie wass HERE twinie ilalala LOVE && MiSSES you


eerrrhheeemmm...! tiz b REYNALD's space..! hi bestfren!!! take care&b good! lmfao..juz hav fun best!.. waboo&michu! =]

Ohh snapp, CHANEL is in the hauzz!! a.k.a. KisS.o1 leavin sum of mah muhfuckin lovin to mah best friend/pepz Miss R.Santiago!peace!

oh my gaw, rehnee!!!
i have to tell you something....
ehehe yah thats right ;].
talk to you soon buddy! p.s. next time...lets be bored TOGETHER hahaha see ya!

~~-=mitCh WAs hEre=-~~
hi TheRe.. BefOre AnythiNg elSe i'd LikE yoU to ALL knoW THat im Rehn's BestfRiend..
And im pRoUd HAviNg A bEstfriEnd LikE hEr...
She's so beauTifUL like mE..LOLx
ShE's KinD
SmArty GaL
ShE's bRAve but liL kinDA weak..
wE LoVE goiNg oUt AnyWhere..aha
She's LoVAblE..
SimPle but TerriBle ahahah..juSt kiddin.
we Love The SamE StuFF especiAlly WinniE The Pooh..
kinDA CLUMpsyyy..
we Love TAking pix oBviousLy..
We Love EAting ..
A friEnd whO CAn LEan on..
She's always thEre no MAttEr what..
we Are pArtNErs in CriME Ahaha.. (sHhhhh)
We Also HAve tHE SAme fAvorite foods..
we LovE coLLecting accessories..
i miSs you BBF So muCh..
i Want to See You SooN..
i'LL w8 4 you HEre (phiLippinEs)
and We WiLL do Again whAT we Always Do..
hoPE you'LL NEver ChanGE ..
BecAuSe i knoW we ArE AlmoSt d SAme AttituDE.aha! alWays TakE gOod CAre.. i Lurve u So Much! i miSs you!

hey just 2 let yall no that im steping in! n this is my gurl now... my filipino chick! hope we stay friends 4 a long time!! have our b-days 2gether.... lol oh yeah no matter wat im there 4 u! wit much love! ♥ Sara!

ppL i ♥