I am highly spontaneous, inquisitive and energetic person who always likes to try new things. I find novel and unpredictable situations challenging and exciting. I also particularly like discussing big ideas and having conversations about complex social, political or intellectual puzzles. Am able to juggle a lot of projects at the same time; as a result sometimes find myself in a whirlwind of activity.I have a firm grip on reality and enjoy living in the present tense. But also have a keen imagination that enables myself to lift off from reality to be remarkably creative.able to laugh at yourself. I adapt to day to day changes. impose few limits on others and have little tolerance for fixed rules, schedules or traditions.I also have a deep sense of compassion and also have a good genuine insight into the needs of others; I'm good at listening, talking and compromising; and I desire to be helpful to others and to the world at large.
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Not all who wander are lost... I believe in living for the moment and never looking back on what was or what could have been, but focus on what is and what will be. Because every single event that happens in life is an opportunity to choose love over fear, and it's important to be able to have an effect or to influence in other peoples lives around you.
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