Free-willed entities profile picture

Free-willed entities

About Me

"Free will of entities declaration"I being divine do hereby make known to all entities my free-will right of passage through all of known and unknown existences. No Law shall be made as a sovereign entity of any certain fabrication or resident of any plain or realm that shall interfere with the aforementioned entities personal will. The simple statements as follows shall upgird the innocence of heart as not to harm any other. These three statements binding as follows shall be the right of free passage of any peoples in any governments whether be here or on any other plane of existence within all realms and governments.Art. 1All entities present within the existance of any realm are sovereign and divine. In exception to those with any notion or intent to cause harm or inhibit the free will of another. In any such case the defendant shall be remanded to the rightful authorities within their tribes or governments. Every other entity in existance shall remain a sovereign landmark to the eonic existance of their peaceable places and times and personal surroundings.Art. 2.In concern for the child of any existance; any child neglected or abused shall be remanded to such authorities with which exist in any governments or entities wherewith the child of the aforementioned resides. Whether here or on any other plane of existance. The right of the child shall be upheld by their own tribe, race or creed unto the age of social acountability. Beyond the age of accountability the once child shall be resposable for the free will law mentioned in the context of this document·Art. 3.In concern for the ecology of all planes, realms and existance. All laws shall protect the ecology of any plane realm or existance as to work with all entities to protect any such entities residence of governments or tribe. In lew of all constitutional bills, laws of any governments tribes or creeds; The value of life and liberties shall be upheld in full to all inteligent entities in all existances. Life and liberty for 13 is liberty and life for all.Check out my other myspace music sites; I Am Lon, Peace Pipe and Orbital Doom. We Go Nova.:.:.:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My band peace pipe. Me....

My Blog

Fre-willed entities delaration (By Lon)

"Free will of entities declaration"I being divine do hereby make known to all entities my free-will right of passage through all of known and unknown existences. No Law shall be made as a sovereign...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 12:14:00 GMT

Fabrication prt. 1 by Lon

                                   "I poked a hole in the fabric of our universe"     Ancient history of ages past beyond the scope of common view has revolutionised the thinking of the 21st. centur...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:49:00 GMT

Living in a cartoon world

I have no political stance other than i want all the hatred and greed to fall into the pit. and that the earth be renewed as well as our whole dna structure. So i just kinda laugh at politics. Makes f...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 21:39:00 GMT