The forests and sacred places are where i like to be,up a tree,by the sea . likesss craft,painting,early people,ancient civilizations and their secrets,africa/egypt,the ascended masters,the faerie realm,crystals,magic,mythology,britain(especially wales)painted people,drumming loudly,health science,spirituality,stringed instruments,world,folk,rock,real metal,light ales,water and homemade chocolate......
Here's some of my artwork
My Interests
I'd like to meet: makers,tree people,light workers,underworld travellers,pipers,druids,wizards,warriors,water spirits, harpers,archers,fiddlers,anyone who is open or living behind the north wind.
My Blog
mother earth meditation
(The earth angels will amplify these energies 1000 times over to anyone sending love and light to the crystal core of our planet,remember this will benefit ALL.)sit on the earth if possible,breath thr... Posted by on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:54:00 GMT