born in brasil, raised in boston, started playing guitar at the age of 10, and currently a combat medic in the army stationed at ft. hood, tx.(for now)
just got done with a 15 month tour in baghdad, iraq..pfft!
few random facts:
rain and autumn makes me happy - i HATE mouth breathers . i love company, but need my alone time - i want to punch people in the face daily - i'm alergic to bullets, and tanguray bottles - i'm straight forward and blunt, and that offends people why? - fish in the water scare me - making people laugh is a daily goal - i don't tolerate drama or lyiing - love new england teams(even when they suck) - girls in hats are my weakness - i'll fight you for offering me black licorice - clearly i'm a badass aha!
few things i've picked up along the way: combat medical badge/purple heart
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