Desert Flower profile picture

Desert Flower

About Me

I'm a little new to Myspace so I littered my page with stuff from . I hang out there a lot because I thinkits cooler than Myspace. I've set up my own radio station and I've got some friends from differentcountries there. Anyways,I'll try it here and see if I like it. Send me a comment about my page so Iknow if it sucks or not!
In your opinion the Bible is....?
Stories to guide us, not to be takenliteraly
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Where is the most exotic place you had sex?
On the Beach
During a liveshow
On the street
Other? Where?
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When should the USA leave Iraq?
They nevershould have come
As soon as possible
When Iraq is stable and self sufficient
They should neverleave
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"In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how canthe human race sustain another 100 years?" - Stephen Hawking
We can`t -here`s why...
We can - here`s how...
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My Blog

No I'm not a drug dealer

This blog kind of explain what I learned about real estate.  I never really understnadd how people made so much money on real estate.  It seemed that they would buy a property for $1...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 23:30:00 GMT

Did you check out my booty?

I got a note that someone using a program called Myspace Booty Crawler found me and ranked me "Hot Booty"! Woo Hoo I'm famous! I went to check out Myspace Booty Crawler for myself. I downloaded the ap...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 15:32:00 GMT