Travis The Beard profile picture

Travis The Beard

I am here for Friends

About Me

'If man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.'


My Interests

Straight edge , Veganism , Muay Thai , ZDS, $ GTC $ , music, guitar, art, zombies/zombieism, beard death and rebirth, football, drop tuning at high decibels, DIY or die, Scotland, reading, learning, equality, history of unarmed combat, conviction, commitment, vehemence, horror, Parkour, subversion, revolution, social change, freewill, bikes... which pedal, theoretical physics and the science of space-time, the human animal, nature, Earth and the universe, conservation, theft, cooking, food, Japanese/Thai culture/things, tea ..

I'd like to meet:

.Fellow beard enthusiasts.

.Die Radical.


Bands with beards are much more heavy, than bands without.


Horror.British and Asian cinema.Sad-sap drama...


24.Spaced.Footie.Japanese gameshows.


Anything. Evasion, The Machine Stops, Diet For A New America, The Zombie Survival Guide/World War Z, Daniel Quinn, Derrick Jensen, Re-Animator, Dagon, The Art Of War, Frankenstein, Brave New World, People's History Of The United States, The Princess Bride, Call Of The Wild, The Tell Tale Heart, Fahrenheit 451, City Of God, The Rising/City of The Dead, Vamped, Bloodsucking Fiends, Catcher In The Rye, Hyperspace, A Brief History Of Time, etc.

My Blog

The Contender Asia

The two best places I've found for more-or-less up to date episodes. The show airs every Wednesday and they usually get posted Thursday up to about Sunday. Anyway watch and get excited...www.mymuaytha...
Posted by Travis The Beard on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 02:12:00 PST

Deadguy For Life.

Eleven years.. no looking back.XXXCheers....
Posted by Travis The Beard on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:01:00 PST

One blood...

I'd rather have my hate... it's always been there for me.
Posted by Travis The Beard on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 01:04:00 PST


You think you've won... you think all is well, but kiss my green ass I'll see you in hell...
Posted by Travis The Beard on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 11:12:00 PST