*Tiffany~ you rock! i love you so much! your my bestest friend. i miss you so much. i miss all are crazy memories we have so many. i cant wait to see your baby. i wish i was there so i could support you and help you. i cant wait to see you! love u tiffaroo!
*Jeff~ I love you so much. we have been together for a whole year now. you have been there for me when i needed some one thank you. we have made so many memories i treasure them so much and keep them in my heart. i love you b***R!*Anthony~ yo black man! you have looked out for me so many drunkin times. i thank you for that. your like my black brother. we need to keep hanging out because your a real friend that i dont want to lose. you have always been trurthful and thats what i like about you and i no that your not going to talk shit behind my back.*Neeko~
Your my bro 4 sur. tho were not as close as we use to be which kinda sucks. i no will always be there for one another. we have been thro alot things have been tough. i just want you to no your my little brother and i alway be here for you when you have no one else. love ya!
*Mommy~ you been there for me when things have gotton tuff when it seem like things would never get better you gave me hope that things would. your the tuffest woman i no well your tied with great grandma. your for sure a #1 Mom. your a party animal thats where i get it from. i love you for ever no matter what!*MY CUTIES*
My new kitty foxy oxy she found me and jeff at Stanly Park.
My other cat TT or T Bugger. He is the nicest cat.He is my husband to be!
This is Hesses he has not been home for a very long time. i miss him so much. i hope he is safe. and found a home.
id wish he'd come back home!
Jamie My dogs that still acts like a puppy. She is very spoiled. she acts like a freaking human and get treated like one.
Rocky jeffs dog. he is so cuddly and he always finds his way sleeping with me and jeff.
~AliCe In WonDEr LanD
~AngRy BeaVeArS
~ACid RaIn
~AcTioN FilMs
~AnImaTed CarToOnS
~ADio BooKs
~aMuSemEnt pArkS
~BabY's BreaTh
~baCk HAndInG
~BalL rOom DaNCinG
~BarbEd wIRe
~BarE CoDEs
~BarE FeEt In tHe SanD
~BasKeT BaLL
~Brearded DraGonS
~BaSS GUiTar
~BeaUtY anD ThE BeAst
~BuTT CrAcKs
~bEd TimE
~BeeTle JuCic
~BeLLy ButtOnS
~Bill BoaRds
~biLLy GoAts
~BiRd WAtcHinG
~bIzzAre ThIngS
~BoaRd Walks
~BiG bAd aSS TrUcKs
~bOaDy LangUagE
~BuZz LiGht YeaR
~BlaCk LighTs
~bLacK OuTs
~BlaDE My FisH
~BoUnTy HuNters
~bUffAlo wInGs
~BiG CUte BeaRs
~BUll FrOgS
~BUmPer stIcKerS
~BRank DancIng
~BarKinG DoGs
~BLack CatS
~BooGGie Man
~BRoKen HeArts
~CoTToN Candy
~CUte ThInGs
~CaRdBoaRd BoxEs
~CarBon pApEr
~cAt fIsH
~CaVe mAn
~CheeSe BurgER
~ChIcKa DEe
~chInEsEs FoOd
~ChOp StIckS
~CluB HoUseS
~cOoCoo ClOcks
~CoW BoYs
~CRy BaBIes
~cAnDiE nEckLaceS
~canDie AppLes
CooKie Dough
~ColOring BoOks
~ComDEy CEntral
~DooR KnoBBs
~DirTy dAncing
~DRangoNs FliEs
~Eye LIner
~ExErCise SOmeTimeS
~FiSh NeTs
~FaCe PaIntIng
~FiNgEr SKateBoArdS
~FanS Are Fun To sIng In
~FiReMan And The Big FiRe TrUcks
~fInGer PaIntiNg
~fiRe PlaCEs
~FliP BoOkS
~FaSt FooD
~GiNGer BreAd HoUsE ANd MaN
~GrEat GraNdmA
~GoinG PlaCes
~GLowIng ThiNgs
~GhOst BuSterS
~GloW In ThE DaRk
~GRoW YoUr Own__________
~GLoW StIckS
~HapPy TimES
~HaunTed HoUses
~HuLa HoOp
~HanD PrIntS
~hiP hOp
~HaNg mAn
~Hill bLies
~hOt ChOacLate
~haiR Dye
~HeArt BeATs
~HigH HeeLs
~HomEmadE ThInGs
~HanD ArT
~HokEy PokEy
~ICe creaM
~iCe SKatIng
~JacK DaNieL's
~jAck In tHE BoX
~JoHnnY BrAVo
~JAcK aSs
~LovE LettErs
~LIght HouSE
~LeaTheR SUitS
~Milk ShaKE
~MAkE Up
~MonDays SuCk
~MaCarOni aNd ChEsse
~nEwS PapEr
~NeOn LigHts
~nEon ColOrs
~plAy StATion
~peAcE And LoVe
~pApER cLips
~PaJaMs BanNa's PaJamS
~PeTTinG ZoOs
~PillPoppIn FreaK
~pinKy PromiEs
~reaDing sOmeTimEs
~SwOrd FighT
~SAnTa ClaUs
~SpiPPny StaiRs
~sLeEpiNg BeaUtY
~SnOw AngEl
~SingINg in thE ShoWer
~Tea PaRty
~Tug A wAr
~ToeS BabY Toe
~UpSide dowN
~UncLe FuckEr
~VaLenTine'S DaY
~VaN hiPPiy VaN
~whitCh cRaFt
~WoOp There it Is!
~WooD PecKer