The finish line is 20 miles away,
the road ahead is treacherous
and there's not a muscle in your body
that isn't screaming out in pain.To which you reply, "And your point is?"
Sports, mainly triathlon - Ironman. My dream is Kona!
Nutrition and inner health, naturopathy, chinese medicine, yoga. Will never refuse an outdoor adventure or a camping trip. Love spending time with friends and a BBQ at the beach. You'll hear me singing in the shower, keeping life simple and owning a dog. Wherever possible I avoid negative people. I laugh, laugh till my tummy hurts. Always count my blessings and commit myself to constant improvement acknowledging life isn't always fair. I love making new friends but continue to cherish old ones. Believe the best way to make dreams come true is to wake up and that nothing is ever entirely wrong, even a broken clock is right twice a day!
I live my life knowing that I am as happy as I make up my mind to be. That one minute feeling sorry for myself is 60 seconds I can never get back. Strive to appreciate the small things and never take those close to me for granted -never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. I think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures. Believe the two best physicians of them all - Dr Laughter and Dr Sleep.HEROES: Mum. Inspirational people and those who accomplish things otherwise thought impossible. Jesus.