About Me
My name is David and i go to juanita high I play every sport you could think of. I could not live with out motocoss and paintball, it's all I do during the summer. I am single :( I have been a Model and Actor for about 3 years. i like to party!!! who doesent hah i ONLY listen to country music it my life. rascal faltts are amazing 3/4/07. i have a white toy poodle. I work at the Redmond Abercrombie! and a shell car wash!About me:
[Marital Status] single
[Shoe size] 11
[Parents still together] yess
[Siblings] an older sister, 21, and a brother
[Pets] nicki toy poodle
[Color] blue,
[Number] 11
[Animal] horse
[Soda] i dont drink pop or energy drinks
[Book] i dont read[Have
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