LIKES~ adrenaline, adventures, alternative views, anticipation, architecture, art, astronomy, awe, beauty, being awake, blues, blocks, boats, bodies, book stores, camp fires, candles, carcassan, challenges, children's art, cities, citrus fruit, clean sheets, clues, crayons, creativity, coffee, confessions, cotton, dirt, down comforters, dreams, dusk, earth, emotion, erotica, excitement, extremes, fantasy, feminism, fun, garlic, green, hackers, heat, integrity, intelligence, kissing, late nights, learning, lips, manners, maps, men, mind-expansion, music, natural light, nerds, nipples, oceans, open space, opinions, passion, peak moments, penetration, people watching, personal poetry, philosophy, photographs, psychology, puzzles, rain, reading, risks, road trips, sauvignon blanc, self-exploration, sex, shoes, skin, snickers, social movements, solutions, speeding, spices, spirits, stretching, stockings, sweat, tasting, underdogs, the universe, wind, women, work...>
DISLIKES~ apathy, bad drivers, boredom, bullshit, chardonnay, cramps, cruelty, excuses, fundamentalists, fur coats, ignorance, labels, misogyny, the mundane, okra, predictable fiction, routines, self-absorption, self-denial, self-righteousness, spite, tonic water, waiting