I'd like to meet:
My elephant, J. Alfred Prufrock.
wine glasses that sing
Star Wars (IV V and VI), 101 Dalmations (the cartoon), The Blues Brothers, Stand By Me, West Side Story, Jurassic Park, Monty Python (movies or the flying circus episodes), Amelie and Indiana Jones. I never get tired of them.
faulty towers.
THE IDIOT, nevermind the pollacks, the fountainhead, 100 years of solitude, ANNA KARENINA, oedipus rex, hamlet, man without a country, mother night, hocus pocus!, bluebeard, dead eye dick, god bless you doctor kevorkian, breakfast of champions, cat's cradle, player piano, slaughter-house five, cry the beloved country, the great gatsby, the picture of dorian gray, waiting for godot, the unbearable lightness of being, the book of laughter and forgetting, the sun also rises, catcher in the rye, the screwtape letters, caucasia, 1984, the perks of being a wallflower, a confederacy of dunces, jurassic park. milan kundera, kurt vonnegut, tolstoy, albert camus, t.s. eliot, gabriel garcia marquez.