I shall fear no man but God
In THAT quiet moment when you are surprised to FIND me there; just remember even with the DISTANCE between us Im still someone who CARES
..Im very philosophical. I accept the fact that failure and disappointment are a part of life. Im calm and quiet.I believe that everybody has their own values and that it should be used as much as possible.I agree to disagree, nobody is PERFECT . I respect myself before i respect anyone else. I read books about psychology and romance.If you are looking for a relationship DON'T ADD ME .Don't judge me nor speak to me in a way you wouldn't want me to speak to you. I can be your best friend, but the biggest bitch if you get on my bad side. Think before you TALK. I listen just as much as i talk.I believe we are all here for a reason. "One hundred years from now, it won't matter the cars you drove, the house you lived in, or even the clothes you had, but the world might be a better place if you can make a difference in someones life", Dred C.
HAPPINESS is in the eyes of those who look out for eachother. THINK ABOUT IT .