AnZa profile picture


~*~Anna~*~img src= ab62f989dd30dec4af.gif bo

About Me

Hi ppl, my name is anna-maria... Im 18 I have my license n drive a honda civic, soon im buyin a mirage I love to live life at the fullest Love my parents, although we dont get along alot I love all my close mates, u kno who you are Love my hardcore techno right now and yea thats all i can think of :):) pease out -Not a dai goes by when i dont miss my close mate, alot has happened between us, n you kno who you r. i havent known a friend longer than you, who once felt so close, but now so far. miss you tiny dancer...no1 will ever be curlier than you :) xo

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

well it would b my dream 2 meet LARS ULRICH from METALLICA...i would lyk 2 meet some one that is really nice, makes me laugh, is alright looking and has a great personality...ohh nd i would rery lyk 2 meet Johnny Depp, such a stud muffin?!?!?! ohh n id love meet DANIEL FITZPATRIC also known as CURLY ya boi♥
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i love all dif typs of music, i love heavy metal, hiphop, techno, rock nd roll nd some pop music...weird combo aye.I got brought up listenin 2 rock nd roll-tha good shit...nd i jst love metallica, nd hiphop is fully sick 2 dance 2, techno is jst kewl nd some pop r also good 2 dance 2!!!My fav song eva is NoThInG eLsE mAtTeRs by metallica! Right now im lyk into fully hectic hardcore TECHNO bro, this shit is bangin!....!


i love tha movie peter pan...tinkerbell is a kutee
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My heros are my Baba(grandma) nd my mum, they hav been there for me all my life nd i look up 2 them!I love all my family,and they hav supported me aswell through everyfin, but baba nd mum they are the ones that are tha bestest lol.....