"Colorful schemes a Sight to Behold. With the sound of the Shutter, Beauty Unfolds. His Eye is his gift, so follow the Imagery. Young, Black, Determined..why wouldnt he be. Confidence climbing with each blink of their Eyes, on his space, Visually we rise. Creating such Masterpieces that ooze Culture and Maturity. The Contrast, the boldness, the radiance is just a sample of what you see. Inspiring doesnt bring justice to how his creations make Me feel. I want to reach out and Touch the combination of glowing skin and Breathtaking Atmospheres. Close my Eyes and inhale the Conceited fears. The world Teaches us not to take it overboard, but with his Gift, how can we not. Conceited Imagery" THIS BEAUTIFUL POEM WAS WRITTEN FOR ME BY, Ayana Eintou