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About Me

I'm Andre of the band Stonegrown and previously of the group All Four Nothing. I'm a guitar player and the singer. I've been playing music for a long time. I started out, like everyone else, on the recorder. But slowly and surely I have moved onto rocking-er days.

I want to rock your socks off. I want you to walk away from one of our shows with your ears ringing a little thinking to yourself: WOW! that went bye quickly, that was fuckin' awesome, I need a drink. It doesn't have to be in that order its just what fuels me. Anyway, check us out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised if you haven't seen us before. And if you have seen us, I think you know what your in for.

Peace - &re

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Member Since: 16/07/2006
Band Website: http://www.allfournothingrocks.com
Band Members: I am a member
Influences: In no particular order, and I will try to capture the best I can........ Led Zepplin, The Who, AC DC, The Stones, Ted Nugent, Van Halen, Guns n Roses, Whitesnake, Skid Row, Journey, Jackyl, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Megadeth, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Children of Bodom, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, Marilyn Manson, Tool, Disturbed, Boston, Cat Stevens, NIN, John Scofield, Savatage, Santana, Days of the New. ..................... And we'll end there cuz I'm tired
Sounds Like: Balls Out Rock - Like old Aerosmith but harder - a cross between the greatest rock bands of all time mixed with haunting melodies and some cross genre influences. - whatever that's supposed to mean.
Bands that All Four Nothing would share a stage well with.... Velvet Revolver, Nickleback, Hinder, Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, Saliva, Fuel, Army or Anyone, Stone Temple Pilots, RATM, Audioslave, Jackyl, Three Days Grace, Incubus, Foo Fighters, John Mayer, 3 Doors Down.
Record Label: none

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