Some of the things I love include:
Women: Motorcycles: HOT WOMEN WHO RIDE MOTORCYCLES: Music: Dancing: Chilled Patron Shots: Roller Derby: Watching People Dance: Drinking: People Watching In General: Sex: Rain: Thunderstormes: Sex in the Rain: Sleeping: Kissing: Cuddling: Soft Skin: Lips: Hugs: Women Who Play The Guitar/Drums: Food: Coffee: Hot Mustard & Mayo With My McDonalds Frys: Porn: Pictures: Being Lazy (sometimes): Cooking: My dog (Kit): My Cat (Mexican): My Friends: My Family: Tattoos: Piercings: Soft Butches: Femmes: Holding Hands: Being Held: Remembering Intimate Moments: Remembering Crazy Nights: Poetry: Hot Baths/Showers: Laughing: Making People Laugh: Dancing: Music: Being a Smart Ass: Being a Dork: Flirting: Falling In Love: Being Loved: Waking Up With A Kiss: Getting A Kiss On The Forehead Good Night: Roller Derby: Smiling: Happiness: Success: Independence: Intelligence: The Color Red: The Word F*CK: Sex In Random Places: Surprises: Writing: The Saying "What Goes Around Comes Around": Being Stubborn: Being a Bitch (when I have to be): Knowing My Limits: Dancing: Music: Roller Derby: Knockin Chicks Down. *laughs*
Some of the things I hate include:
Ignorance: Selfishness: Liars: Drama: Followers: People Who Try To Be Something That They Are Not: People Who Give Up: People Who Dont Try: People Who Are Fake: People Who Interfere With MY Life: People Who Find It Necessary To Make A Scene: People Who Do Not Take Anyone's Feelings Into Consideration: People With Hidden Agendas: Fighting (Dont Think I Wont If I Have To): Arguing: People Getting In My Face: People Who THINK They Are Better Than You And I: People Who Are Not Open-Minded: People Who Cant Stand Up For Themselves: Having To Fall Asleep Alone: Getting Out Of Bed On A Cold Winter Day: Cooking For One: ME When I'm Angry: People Who Are ALWAYS Late: People Who Don't Follow Through With Plans: Whisky: Parents Who Let Their Children Walk Behind Them And Don't Pay AttentionI Could Be Here Forever!
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin
i call this "LET ME TAKE YOUR PICTURE"...the things i do to my friends *laughs* (you'll need to stop the music and listen)... Let Me Take Your PictureDO NOT REQUEST TO BE ADDED UNLESS YOU CONTACT ME WITH A MESSAGE FIRST!!!
"There are two kinds of liars the kind that lie and the kind that dont lie...the kind that lie are no good."
Layout made byI love all types of music...House, R&B, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, etc. Some of my favorites include Sarah McLachlan, Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, Bjork, The Cure, Disco House, Metallica, AC/DC, No Doubt, Zepplin, Beatnutz, Tribe Called Quest, Roots, KRS-One, Janis Joplin, Madonna, The Doors, White Stripes, Rza, 70's & 80's music, Cleptomaniacs, Mark Farina, you name it and I'll probably like it.
mmmmm...Rose...if you happen to be her wife and you're looking at this...CONGRATS cuz she's gorgeous! *laughs*.. width="425" height="350" ..
who has time for television? i know i don't!
Unfortunately I haven't had much time for any new books :0(
anyone with the determination NOT to let anything get in their way when it comes to fulfilling their dreams or their happiness