You!!! I will be attending and auctioning off 5 paintings for a co-op preschool on Saturday, april 18th...Art After Dark: Silent Auction 6pm-10pm at Drayton Avenue Presbyterian Church--Fellowship Hall 2441 Pinecrest, Ferndale 48220. Live entertainment (jazz/funk/acoustic) hors d'oeuvres, and open bar. $5 per person admission at door. Auction Items donated by local artists, Drayton families and Michigan businesses.You!!! My Band Black Lodge will be performing @ Lager House (Mich Ave. Detroit) on Thursday, April 23rd with our awesome friend band Pewter Cub and the Kinetic Stereo Kids. If you want to see a great show where the bands light it up, come to this one.That's it for April. Let you know about May soon..........