Dick Solomon: I want ceaseless joy and never-ending passion like Romeo and Juliet.
Mary Albright: They both wound up dead.
Dick Solomon: Antony and Cleopatra.
Mary Albright: Dead.
Dick Solomon: That couple from Wuthering Heights.
Mary Albright: Insane and dead.
Dick Solomon: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda.
Mary Albright: Drunk, insane, and dead.
Dick Solomon: Tristan and Isolde.
Mary Albright: Abgeschossen.
Dick Solomon: Aha, Siegfried and Roy.
Mary Albright: Okay, oneMyspace Backgrounds
Myspace LayoutsHoni soit qui mal y pense. Trying to break free of the earth planet and still have a good time. I hope to pet a monkey before I die. I like people and I like being alone. I probably prefer animals to people. I like spicy food and ice cream. One of my ingrained childhood fears was of being in the salt and pepper shakers at the amusement park and having stuff fall out of my pockets when I was spun upside down. (I last had this dream in April 2008). I am going to grad school soon, cause I better find something I enjoy and can do to generate income when I am a geriatric. In many ways I am now much like I was at 12, which is good because that is preferable to the way I was in my 20s and 30s. I am fortunate to have some really great friends. I am generally hopeful and grateful. I like taking cat naps with cats. I would like to live a simple life with semi-primitive people. On a tropical island. But I would need sunscreen, prescription sunglasses and possibly allergy medication. I guess I would have to forego the wireless internet service, or if not, then to forego the whole idea of the "primitive simple life".