Bailey profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Bailey Wants:
1) To get a new band started
2) To finish his script
Bailey likes:
*Music! if i could,i'd breathe it
*My Friends, i chooses them wisely,they rock
*my Family
*Going to Gigs
*FOOD! its just awesome, well, isn't it!!?!?!?
*Thunderstorms, they go boom!
*Giving Susie a call
*Nice people, u?
*my Job
*my work mates
*Shrews lol
*Cocochicken Sandwichs
*East Asian Cinema, Tis best in the world
*Tolkien, r.i.p
*Those things ya push down,and they pop back up!,what ever happened to them?
*David Attenborough (legend)
*my green trainers (there better than rafes)
*Spiders, why do people squish them!?!?! there our friends lol
*Whales too lol
Bailey Hates:
*LIARS!! i hate people that lie whether they do it out of them being insecure in there own lives, or just because there a vindictive person. Do the happy people of this world a favour, either stop lying, or crawl under a rock and live there for the rest of your life.
*Fake People. I'm pretty easy to get along with, but if you don't like me, ok, but dont pretend you do when you don't, theres no point
*Skankyness, eeeeeeew
*Guitar strings that snap and hit ya in the face doh!
*Crap Music
*The woman who comes in my shop smelling of cat piss! jeez! take a bath!
*Gossips-you have no life of your own
*my Credit Card (its balance never goes up)
*Imature people
*People who add ya for the numbers on here
That is all lol
Well thats the me part over, so in the imortal words of Ferris Bueller.......................your still here? it's over, go home, go!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mr D Grohl
All of you nice people!

Comment meeeeee!
For those of ya that aint in my top friends,please dont be offended,these are the peeps who talk to me the most on here and the awesome peeps i work with.

My Blog

Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End So, where to start? It's sometimes hard to write a review like this&..regardless of what you say, this film will be massive. At Worlds End is the thir...
Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 06:25:00 GMT


This was never going to be about brains, it was always going to be about brawn.....well maybe i'm could be about the spilling of someones brains. Plot: 300 spartans face off against 300,0...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:14:00 GMT

The Fountain

Darren Aronofsky doesn't make films for the average cinema goer, that's just fact. His first two films, 1998's Pi and 2000's Requiem for a dream were both films that not only divided audiences, but cr...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:29:00 GMT