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*********************************************************Chi ropractic’s Twelve Steps-****************************************************** ***
1) You are more than your body; you are an intelligent and loving energetic being! Your body is the vehicle you have been given through which to experience and express your true purpose and potential in life.
2) Your Intelligent Life Energy directs and coordinates every single cell, tissue, organ and organ system in your body through your brain, and communicates with your body through your nerve system.
3) Health is defined as normal function and the ability to adapt to most of the stresses you face every day. It is the natural result of the adequate expression of your Life Energy in your body.
4) Everything is always changing, including your body. In every moment you are either getting weaker and moving toward dis-ease and death, or growing stronger and moving toward health, wellness and wholeness.
5) 3 Things are necessary to keep you growing stronger and moving consistently toward health, wellness and wholeness (a Deliberate & Positive Focus, a Healthy Lifestyle and a Clear Neurological Connection between your body and your brain).
6) The main function of your spine is to regulate the amount of tension in your nerve system and maintain the proper frequency of vibration or tone, so that the messages traveling back and forth along your nerves between your body and your brain are both transmitted and received properly.
7) Whenever your spine loses its normal alignment or function, it compromises your ability to regulate nerve system tension, and the result is a partial loss of CONNECTION between your brain and your body. We call this loss of connection and decrease in the expression of your Life Energy “subluxation.”
8) The loss of connection between your brain and body causes you to lose your normal function in your body, and decreases your ability to successfully adapt to all of the physical, chemical, mental and emotional stresses in your environment. In other words, it causes you to lose your natural state of EASE.
9) The problem is not that you HAVE something you shouldn’t have…it’s that you’ve LOST something you NEED in order to heal, function normally and feel good; You’ve lost the CONNECTION between your brain and body.
10) The specific Chiropractic Adjustment allows more normal function and alignment in your spine, and helps restore your ability to regulate and maintain proper nerve system tension and tone. In other words, it helps re-establish and maintain the CONNECTION between your brain and your body in order to maximize the expression of Life Energy in your body and help you HEAL.
11) Healing is defined as any movement toward wholeness, regardless of where you are at any given moment and occurs as you increase the expression of your Life Energy in your body. It is a PROCESS and requires your active participation.
12) The goal of your chiropractic program is simple; it’s to help you and your family restore, maintain and steadily improve all three things necessary to keep you growing stronger and moving toward ever higher levels of health, wellness and wholeness (a Deliberate & Positive Focus, a Healthy Lifestyle and a Clear Neurological Connection between your body and your brain) for as long as you live.
Chiropractic is about helping you and your family maximize the expression of Life Energy in your bodies. -Dr. Kevin Donka.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. -Maria Robinson
You can run after satisfaction all over the world, but satisfaction must come from within you. -Yogi Bhajan.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Talking does not heal; taking action does. Our lives change externally as we change internally. When you do not seek or need external approval, you are at your most powerful. Be mindful of how often you judge others. Be the bearer of only good news today. Recognize that you postpone even small, insignificant changes because intuitively you know they can ignite powerful ones. To blame the other players in our drama for helping to teach us what we need to learn is the height of foolishness. Understand that all experiences either make you bitter or better. Experience how difficult it is to live in present time. Healing is rapidly enhanced when you are focused in the present. By the end of the day, commit to that change or identify why you are choosing to sabotage your healing. Power is essential for healing and for maintaining health. Recognize how and why you sabotage your empowerment. Become mindful of whether you are unconsciously positively or negative. Observe what quality of information you feed your mind each day. Become mindful that every response in life is a choice. Recognize how much stress is generated in your body through the need to control others. Learn that the way to set change in motion is to bless and appreciate even the most difficult parts of our life. Recognize whether you love yourself enough to heal. Bring humor to everything that causes you stress today; this is a more empowered response. Practice visualization and to observe how easily distracted you are. Become aware of how easily distracted you are by meaningless thoughts and emotions. You can choose to release them at any time. Realize you have the choice to empower yourself in each moment. Observe how much worrying affects your health and to counter the stress of worry with prayer and positive action. Recognize that you are always waiting for something and that waiting is stressful and foolish. Confront your core reasons for risking your health unnecessarily. Examine whether your interactions with others leave you empowered or disempowered. Realize you choose to stay angry when you can choose to heal.--Caroline Myss.
You’re sitting On a Goldmine!!
"I recently heard a story about a man who had for countless years been sitting on a small, old, beat up black box on the same street corner everyday begging for a handout from those in passing cars and the pedestrians who walked by. The old man had become such a fixture in the town that people hardly paid him any attention anymore, except for this one particular morning when a gentleman on a business trip was stopped by the beggar and ask for some change or anything that the businessman could spare. The man reached in his pocket in pulled out a dollar and handed to the old man on the box. As he handed it to him he ask him what he was sitting on and the old man responded..."Oh...nothing much...just an old box that I have used to sit on for years..." The businessman asks him what was in the box and the old man replied that he did not know. "You mean that all these years you have been sitting on the same box and you have never wondered what was inside. Have you ever even looked?" the businessman asks. "No Sir, I simply use it to sit on,” replied the old man...and so both the businessman and the beggar began to open the box...and as you can imagine, to the amazement and surprise of both men, when they took the top off the box they discovered a box full of gold coins.
All of the years that the man had sat and begged for a handout, he had gotten so comfortable with where he was and what he was doing, that to even look at what was right under his own nose became too much trouble!! All of those years begging for a handout...he unknowingly was rich beyond his wildest imagination and did not even know it. Simply because he had become so comfortable and so caught up in his want and lack and his dependence upon others! Sound familiar??
Every one of us have wealth untold inside of us waiting to be discovered, yet so many times we are so caught up in our past and where we have been that we can't see past that! We allow our past to determine our allowing it to be a chain that keeps us bound to where we have been.
Our Righteousness has taken that past away and sets us free from the bondage of others. We must begin to realize the creative power that God has put inside each of us. It is that Righteousness that will cause us to discover our full potential and know that God created us to be winners in this life and be successful in everything that we do. Righteousness provides for us the tools that are necessary to uncover the treasure that is inside each of us. As you realize the nature and life of God in you, there...will not be anything that you cannot do. You will begin to live completely free from circumstances instead of always living "under the circumstances."
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wearing like a old coat, what happened to you yesterday, last week, last year, or twenty years ago. Discover your destiny today by looking at what you’re sitting on!! YOU are the treasure chest filled with everything that will provide what is necessary to go wherever you want to go!!" Now you can understand what Paul meant when he said in:
Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who is living on the inside of me and providing my strength." -D. Lawson.

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DiMartino Chiropractic

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Around 2000 years ago the baby Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem. This blessed event would have been looked upon quite differently if seen from a medical perspective. Let us examine some so-called "modern" thinking about this event.
What a big risk our Heavenly Father took when He sent His Son to us in the way He did. First of all, the Virgin Mary was much to young to bear such an important child. Plus, no tests were performed to see if she was even capable of carrying the child full term. Also, Mary was not adequately prepared. She attended no birthing classes, did not practice her breathing, nor did she read up on the birth process.
It should also be noted that some safety procedures were ignored during this pregnancy. I mean, no blood tests were done, no obstetric examinations, no ultra sound, or even the listening and monitoring of the child's heart beat. And surely, for such an important baby, an amniocentesis should have been done! Not even the proper regime of vitamins were given to the mother for her nutrition. When you think about it, we're taking a major risk here.
And just think of the terrible conditions for the birth itself. Certainly that stable was not sterile. And with all those animals in the same room it's a wonder there wasn't a major infection. Not even simple clean sheets, or a surgical masks for the three Wise Men were used. And I'm quite sure that Mary was not on the proper delivery table with her feet in the stirrups.
If that's not bad enough, common medical practice was ignored from this point on. Certainly an important woman like Mary should have been given some pain relievers or a spinal block to help ease her discomfort. Of course an episiotomy should have been called for to help out. I'll bet that a set of clamps weren't even available in case of need. Not to mention the lack of fetal monitoring equipment in case an emergency cesarean was required. I mean this whole procedure sounds like a nightmare.
From this point it still got worse. No surgical instruments to cut the cord, no silver nitrate for the baby's eyes, no fetal intensive care unit, no alcohol rubs, no temperature control cubicles, no suction of the child's nose or throat, none of the modern safety precautions that should have been used.
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced this entire procedure was a menace to the mother and child. Someone should be liable for mal-practice in a case like this. With the state of things as they were, I'll bet the child Jesus never even got His required vaccinations!
I don't know,... but if it were up to modern medicine, this should have been done much differently.
God sure took a big chance.....
... or just maybe we need to rethink the things we think are necessary, and stop interfering with normal God-given miracles.
Something to think about ............................................................ .....



Remember at all times that what you think and what you do affects other people. In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for every one. -Eckhart Tolle.


Healing occurs from above, down, inside out.

A slip on the snowy sidewalk, in winter, is a small thing. It happens to millions.
A fall from a ladder, in the summer, is a small thing. That also happens to millions.
The slip or fall produces a subluxation(hard bone pinching a soft nerve). The subluxation is a small thing.
The subluxation produces pressure on a nerve. That pressure is a small thing.
The pressure cuts off the flow of mental impulses. That decreased flowing is a small thing.
That decreased flowing produces a dis-eased body and brain. That is a big thing to that man.
Multiply that man by a thousand, and you shape the physical and mental welfare of a city.

Multiply that man by a million and you shape the physical and mental destiny of a State.
Multiply that man by one hundred thirty million, and you forecast and can prophesy the physical and mental status of a nation.

Now comes a man. Any one man is a small thing.
This man gives an adjustment (Chiropractic removal of hard bone pinching a soft nerve). The adjustment is a small thing.
The adjustment replaces the subluxation. That is a small thing.
The adjusted subluxation releases pressure upon nerves. That is a small thing.
The released pressure restores health to a man. That is a big thing to that man.
Multiply that well man by a thousand, and you step up physical and mental welfare of a city.
Multiply that well man by a million, and you increase the efficiency of a State.
Multiply that well man by one hundred thirty million, and you have produced a healthy, wealthy, and better race for posterity.
So, adjustment of the subluxation, to release pressure upon nerves, to restore mental impulse flow, to restore health, is big enough to rebuild thoughts and actions of the world.

The idea that knows cause, that can correct cause of dis-ease, is one of the biggest ideas known. Without it, nations fall; with it, nations rise.
The idea is the BIGGEST I know of. - Dr. B.J. Palmer.



Chiropractic colleges are bound to fulfill the 4200 classroom hours standard which has been decided by the Council on Chiropractic Education(CCE). CCE has had offical status with the U.S.Department of Education since 1974, and is the sole accrediting agency for chiropractic education in the US. A sample curriculum for an accredited chiropractic college in North America appears below.

[Biological Sciences]- Hrs-

Human Anatomy -180- Microscopic Anatomy -140- Developmental Anatomy -28- Neuroanatomy -72- Neuroscience -120- Biochemistry -112- Physilogy -36- Pathology -174- Diagnosis -72- Microbiology & Infectious Diseases -100- Systems Physiology -87- Nutrition -58- Immunology -13- Toxicology -13- Clinical Nutrition -26- Community Health -39-

[Clinical Sciences] -Hrs-

Intro.Diagnosis -87- Neurodiagnosis -42- Differential Diagnosis -32- Dignosis & Symptomatrogy -116- Orthopedics & Rheumatology -92- Intro Bone Pathology -48- Clinical Psychology -46- Arthritis & Trauma -48- Emergency Care -52- Child Care -20- Female care -29- Geriatrics -20- Normal Radigraphic Anatomy -16- Radiation Biophisics & Protection -44- Normal Roentgen, Variants & Roentgenometrics -39- Radilogical Technology -39- Abdomen, Chest, & Special Radigraphic Procedures -40-

[Chiropractic sciences] -Hrs-

Chiropractic Principles -156- Chiropractic Skills -390- Basic Body Mechanics -96- Spinal Mechanics -42- Clinical Biomechanics -100- Auxiliary Chiropractic Therapy -91- Integrated Chiropractic Practice -95- Jurisprudence & Practical Development -62-

[Clinical Education] -Hrs-

Internship -752- Auxiliary Chiropractic Therapy Clerkship -33- Clinical Lab Clerkship -21- Clinical X-ray Technology -71- Clinical X-ray Interpretation -69- Chiropractic Management -31- Applied Research & Biometrics -32-

This sample curriculum has more classroom hours in anatomy and neurology than a curriculum of the general medical college, while it has less hours in internal medicine, surgery & pharmacy. The total hours of chiropractic sciences are 1032 hrs. which amount only for 25 % of all classroom hours(4200 hrs). Continuing Education is required yearly by State.



Having a chiropractic adjustment turns on the switch of Power to your body, just like an energy circuit breaker that previously blew a fuse. It feels like tuning into a radio station, where before it was static and with a slight adjustment it is clear. "It's like looking through the lens of a camera, the image can be a little “fuzzy” and, with one slight twist of the lens, can become crystal clear. For me, a quotation can do the same, in that the words can bring an idea to life. It’s like, “Wow, that’s how I feel, but I never thought of it quite that way.” - Mac Anderson.


I am a Chiropractor. I look toward the spine for the cause of dis-ease. I acknowledge the body's inborn ability to heal itself. I understand that our nervous system transmits the life-force "POWER" to all our bodily tissues. I approach the body, mind and spirit as a whole. I use only my hands to remove the nerve interference which encourages the body to express itself to its' fullest potential. I am a teacher of life to my patients yet never claim to be a healer. I am scientifically educated, yet never claim to be smarter than the body. I can influence all diseases with the use of only my hands, yet never claim to treat any specifically. I understand my limitations, yet never claim to accept them. I believe in love and sharing it with all whom I encounter. I believe in miracles and in the "POWER" that creates them. I believe in the hope of restoring life, where there was only death. I believe that with the same hands that we use to destroy, we can heal. I am a Chiropractor.Victor Naumov D.C.




Don't worry about what the world wants from you, worry about what makes you come more alive. Because what the world really needs are people who are more alive. -Laurence Le Shan.




We can be reached at (586)-why-wait?


My Blog

Nine Year Old Boy Can Walk Again Thanks to Chiropractic

Nine Year Old Boy Can Walk Again Thanks to Chiropractic A feel good story by Barbara Morse Silva appeared on, June 1, 2009, on the NBC TV news station "" serving Rhode Island and Massachus...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:08:00 GMT

Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:40:00 GMT

Mark Victor Hansen Talks About The Power Of Affirmations
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:35:00 GMT

Drugging Children
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 12:44:00 GMT

Dr. Ted Koren & Dr. Jason A. Deitch on Discover Wellness
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 10:12:00 GMT

The Dangers of Aspartame (Artificial Sweeteners Sugarfree Diet Coke Zero...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 09:38:00 GMT

Fox News Big Story with Doug Kennedy on Big Pharma's Lie
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 08:51:00 GMT

Vaccine Awareness Event - August 2nd 2008
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 12:01:00 GMT

Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:58:00 GMT

Chiropractic and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:48:00 GMT