music industry people japanese groups co-workers sakujins and friends (of course)
Dir en Grey, D’espairs Ray, Velvet Eden, Schwarzt Stein, Malice Mizer, Kiyoharu, Sads, Kishidan, Calmando Qual, Alicenine, Danger Gang, Kisaki Project, Lareine, Rapheal,Gazette, Mucc, Inugami Circus Dan, HeavenDust, Tokyo Heores, 54 nude honeys, Gitogito Hustler, Mylene Farmer, Combichrist, darren hayes, tegan and sara, white rose movement, hedningarna, Rentrer en soi, Merry, 176BIZ, Girugamesh, Suicide Al,i 12012, Sid, Shiina Ringo, Plastic Tree, Blood, Tokyo Jihen, Unsraw, High and mighty color, Aya, Rice, Unzu, Gackt, Dazzel Vision, head phone presidents, Dead Pop Stars, BAAL, Jack Rose, Henzel, Aile, Bis, Vidoll, Deathgaze, BIO Glammy, Glamurous Honey, Sadist, Balzac, Aural Vampire, Gothika, Cannival Method, Eve of Destiny, Hideki Kaji, Bud-Tick +++++++++++++++++++++So Diverse: Patrick wolf, Queen Adreena, Qntal, Melissa Auf Der Maur, Sarah Bettens, The Cure, Hedningarna, Kate Bush, Garbage, Haggard, Anja Garbarek, The Dresden Dolls, Monica Naranjo, Dance or Die, A perfect Circle, Placebo, Muse, Primal Scream, Love of Lesbian, Glamour to Kill, Dity Princes, Invaders form Mars, Kyo, Dead Can Dance, Loorena Mckennitt, Leonard Cohen, Vast, Fangoria, Fang, Yeah Yeah Yeah, Cycle, Rasputina, Gogol Bordello, Lisa Germano, in extremo, Bjork, Depeche Mode, David Sylvian, Pet Shop Boys, Dirty Three, Of the Wan and the Moon, Faith and the Muse, The Editors, Afi, David Bowie, NIN, Turbonegro, 69Eyes, Daisy Chainsaw, New Order, Nacho Vegas, Heroes del Silencio, Astrud, L’ham de Foc, Claire Pelletier, Alkistis Protopsaltis, Elefteria Arvanitakis, P24, Black Flag, International Noise Conspiracy, Das Inch, laibach, Diva Destruction, ludovico einaudi, gjallahorn
so many movies
Tv series
Now: Lacan (complete works)
SYLAR El señor de los pelucos Yo soy Flick!/ tú eres Flack/ somos dos en un reloj