Wayne Dyer, Debbie Ford, Jeannie Becker, Doo Ri, Proenza Schouler , Anna Wintour, Audrey Tautou, Vero, George Strombolopoulos, Sook-Yin Lee, The Cast of the "L" word, Serena Ryder, Arcade Fire, Stars ( esp. Chris Seligman), Frances McDormand, Anna Sui, Isaac Mizrahi, Christy Turlington, Saga, Adrian Mainella, The guy at Apple who made the iPod,and the napster guy for starting a revolution that has changed my life. I used to say that I wanted to meet Di Caught, and now I have...I am holding her uke for ransom, just so she will come back. The person I want to meet now is Gail Buckby!