♥ PAPI'S GIRL! ♥ profile picture



About Me

My name is Amanda Paige Fierro, I was born in Fontana California. I Moved to Escondido when I was three years old and have been here ever since. I started kindergarten at Conway elementary, then moved on to first grade at Pioneer elementary school. After Elementary school I moved on to Grant Middle school where I learned that music was my new passion. My eighth grad year I joined a program called BEWISE which was a program for women and science, There I meet a lot of great girls and got to do things that normal 12 year olds would be able to do. When I left middle school I was apart of Escondido Pop Warner Cheerleading, We were one of the best squads in Escondido and Trained to go to Nationals in Orlando FL. There we received 8th place in the nation, something that I am very proud of and cant wait to one day tell my children. I then went to high school at Orange Glen home of the patriots. My Junior year after a lot of hard work I made it into OPUS ONE, which was the show choir on campus. OPUS was my new family I made life long friends and made so many memories. Music is life and now that I don’t have singing and performing in my life anymore I realize how much it meant to me. Getting out of high school was a challenge, But I got through it When you have so much self determination you can get through anything in life. Don’t ever let anyone try to tell you that you can't do something that you truly want, because If you want it you can achieve it!For almost a year I have been with the man that God has chosen as my soul mate. His name is Justin Warren. Eventhough our relationship is new, our love for eachother is strong and undieing. I love Justin more than anything in this world, He is the half that makes my heart whole. The connection that we both have is amazing to me. I fall More in love with him everyday. Without Justin in my life, My heart would be so empty. I knew form our first hug that there was something special about Justin. I truly believe that Justin is my soul mate and I thank God every day and night for bringing him into my life. God has given me a true gift, He has showed me that Justin is the one that I am destined to be with and I think that is something so special and so rare. Every minute that we get to spend together is something so special to me . We are eachothers support system. I love and trust Justin with everythiing that I have. Thank you baby for comming into my life, Thank you for the love and support you give me You are my inspiration pooh. You are the reason I wake up in the morning You are the love of my life and my Best friend. I love you Papi I love you more than anything in this world. Besos forever baby!♥♥ Strong, positive believes are the foundation upon which all great lives are built. Such believes are magical. Thay can turn the ordinary into the extradorinary, the simple into the profound, a single step into a Giant leap.♥♥ When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.& hearts;

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Your love will Be the epitome of what true love is

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I'd like to meet:

♥ APACHE ♥"The people have prevailed"♥ Apaches have always been inherently aware of earth and sky spirits. From their early morning prayers to the Sun-God, through their hours, days, and their entire lives--for them every act has sacred significance. ♥I have lived most of my life not knowing too much about my culture...yeah I dont have one spicfic harritage I have many infact...but what has always sparked my attention is my Spanish side and my American Indian side.I would love to meet the my family who travled to America form spain at one point in time or to meet my Mescalero Apache family who lived there lives farming in Texas. I would love too meet my family how have lived many years ago to teach me about how they lived there lives and the culture that makes me ...me! I would also love to meet my Grandfather again...He died when I was 11 so I really dont remember too much...this man lived a full life and got to see alot of stuff along the way. He was a big military guy who fought in three wars and once he retired for the service he went to work for NASA in texas. I would love to lestion to some of his stories about how he has lived his life and the things that he had seen through out it.
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♥ I have alot of heros...♥ Pooh bear!: Thank you for comming into my life. You are the half that makes my heart whole. Without you my life would be empty with no reason to live. You are the reason that I am alive, You are the reson that I wake up each morning. You are the reason that I strive to do nothing but the best. You are the love of my life and my Bestfriend. I love you more than anything in this world. Thank you for saving me papi! I love you! ♥♥ Brea: We have known eachother for almost 16 years. Thank you for always being there when I need someone to talk to, Thank you for being one of the bestfriends a gurl could ask for, Thank you for being in my family I love you gurl! ♥♥ To the Men and Women who fight for our country every day Thank you!♥ To everyone else who has made an impact on my life thank you from the bottom of my heart!/a

My Blog


THOUGHTS&. ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />    IM SITTING AT WORK RIGHT NOW AND I HAVE THE SUDDEN URGE TO WRITE A BLOG&.SO I OPEN UP MY WORD DOCUMENT...
Posted by ♥ PAPI'S GIRL! ♥ on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:58:00 PST

To The Love Of My Life

Posted by ♥ PAPI'S GIRL! ♥ on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:32:00 PST