Succubus profile picture


About Me

I'm pretty much just like every one else I guess- I've got my share of problems and priveliges. I'm a uni bum so I still live with mum and the freshly-18 year old mad bitch enigma. I work at a hospital in a lab, as a pathologist. It's a pretty rad job and I work with some awesome cool people. "Workplace Health and Safety? What's that?" Trust me, it's great fun, we make sure of that!
I try to listen to my individual tastes instead of following trends but it seems everything is a trend these days so it's getting harder and harder. I like to think I have a keen sense of fashion but a lot of people would probably call it strange.
I value honesty above all else. I tend to say what is needed, instead of what is necessarily appropriate. I don't particularly like people, at least not people I don't know, but I do work well with them- I'm a bloody good actress. I make a kick-arse cup of coffee, even instant when an esspresso machine isn't handy. I like to lick things. I can't spell or ride a bike. I also suffer short term memory loss which makes learning at uni and remembering peoples names very hard at times. I like to drink but I don't have a drinking problem, regardless of my past, what people might say, or how much I actually drink. Dispite what people think, I actually do struggle with my weight. I prefer to write letters then to call or talk to people, when I have something serious and important to say, because I can organise my thoughts better and it makes it less confronting. I don't know my left from right. I think I'm pretty. I haven't felt like this for long so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. Men of the world, you have been warned.
So I have these stalker-esque tendencies which are only exacerbated by boredom. I have this ability to find out anything I want about someone (and even some stuff I didn't want to know). I think this does make me a little scary to some people, and rightly so. Rest assured though that I will only use your information that I have compiled against you if you cross me the wrong way. Then you will regret every waking, and most sleeping, moments of the rest of your life... :D
My life's ambition is to become the trophy wife of a rich, handsome Doctor. Well, if Brandon Boyd rejects me... I think I would enjoy the life of a trophy wife. Plus, I would love to be able to one day say "It's ok, I'll just get my husband to buy it for me" and be able to mean it!
Words I like include: Sass, Cuss, Flippant, Arbitrary, Vestibule (cos it sounds nothing like what it actually means), and Sclerotic (I have finally remembered what it means now!).
What Tool song are you?
You are Lateralus. You are unique, intelligent, and most importantly, an individual. You are probably a leader and you see and do things your own way, which is usually different from the norm. We expect big things to come from you.
Take this quiz !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Living: Frank Edwin Wright III, Johnny Depp, Alecia Moore, Geoffery Rush, Nelson Mendella, Invisible floating torso man, Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Jack White.
Dead: Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn, James Dean, Edgar Allan Poe, Pro Hart, William Shakespeare, Frederick Roy-Smith. That's all I can think of right now...

My Blog

What now?

So what do I do now? You were right even when I refuted you. I just didn't know the extent of the problem, even though I felt its presence for weeks, maybe even months. I thought, or maybe only h...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 02:23:00 GMT

And you...

I saw you the other day, and I know you saw me. As soon as you realised it was me you turned around and hid to avoid me, hoping I hadn't noticed you. I did. I know we are no longer friends, for what e...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 18:52:00 GMT

Downward slope

I came to the sad realisation tonight that at the ripe old age of just 21, my glory days are already behind me. I know I can not have memories of the future and can only have ones of the past and my p...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 23:46:00 GMT

Googlers, eat your heart out! (aka, I’m wasting you time)... I’m bored

So often I am using google to search actual serious stuff that bears some importance in life. Almost every time I find a hit to a blog from some 14 year old, basically gossiping about Justin Timberlak...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 01:08:00 GMT

Tittle is a work in progress...

I really have nothing to write today but it is at least some sembelence of a menial task through which I might be able to distract myself from the enormous wasteland that lies within. I know I sound e...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 21:39:00 GMT

Just to re-iterate... riendID=93785051&blogID=323432362 To this, you said I could trust you, that you would never do that to me. I believed you   http://...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 02:38:00 GMT

It’s already a good year!

This year is less then 3 weeks in and I can already feel it's going to be great! I don't think I have ever had such a good feeling about anything else before in my life! I entered the year being the p...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:13:00 GMT

2007 retrospective

OK, so a lot of you know that I have basically stolen this concept (even down to the title) from Linds, but who wouldn't copy such an awesome chick? Immitation is the highest form of flattery after al...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 03:05:00 GMT

Pardon Me

Family and best friends for years, I thought we would always be there for each other. You know I would do anything for you and I had always thought you would do the same for me. Why then do you do wha...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 00:34:00 GMT

At the War Memorial

While in canberra I visited the War Memorial (I would have liked to look around longer but we were on a tight schedual). Within the Second World War display, I found this picture Or at least somethin...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 18:40:00 GMT