*im helmi,20 years old from kL and kL to taiping n taiping to kL back
yea still aku main pusing disini.
*hye babe..
come2 look ma simple pimple profile..gahhhaaha!!
*im a torncity fanz, club plus pub yeah nitelife bebeh, car n extremly activities itu yang aku suka, party???wow..invite ja nnti menyusul
*dis is not ma first blog, i have friendster, tagged, facebook, twitter, imeem, torncity.
*so if u want to be ma fren just addin me and ask smthing.
like chat wif anyone so..
be ma fren..
*the Target
of coz the good job!damn!!! ma self n famly is the first and the last. the impian car also
*i same like the silly billy wuuhuu..
so who want to be ma gfren??yeah!angkat tangan awk lelama.