I'm Daean.
I'm an artist.
And this is my personal myspace/design project's myspace.
I do graphic design and a bit of animation for bands, and for personal use as well.
Something I haven't taken classes for, and have received high praise for.
The myspace will be changed sooner or later when I get around to it.
I really could care less what you think about me.
I'm chill.
I will never beg or ask for comments.
I'm 17 and a Senior at McNeil High School.
I care about how I look usually.
I can be shy about things, but I try to hide it.
I'm a very open person.
I like Harry Potter k?
I can drive.
I have anger issues &&
I have my own design project.
Put my banner on your site and I'll love you mucho!
Plus, I enjoy hugs, and cuddling :)
I draw, and beside myself, very well.
I most likely listen to more music than you.
If you don't know me, don't start talking.
I meet alot of people from myspace so if you IM me or something tell me who you are.
You're not cool enough to be on my main page if you aren't already.
Yeah, basically I am more hxc than you.
With the exception of Corey Bell aka Pirate
Well I guess that's it.
Also, one last thing, I rule... kbai