Hi I am Melissa.I live in Lucerne Valley.I have lived there my hole live so far.I am outgoing and an awesome person to hang out with my best friends who i cant live without: Lloyd,Scott,Chana,Aaron,Andrew,Clarissa,Kaylee,Melanie,
n G.,Tera,Trina,Damien,Dennis,Brain,Christina,My lil sis Lizzy,My bro Dustin(hes the homie G),And to all my other homies in the desert I love you guys to!!!I can be what ever you want me to be and tons more.But....I act how i act so get over it.I am a one of a kind.Watch i am gonna be the coolest person you will ever meet bitches!!!I like to hangout at home but i also like to go out and PARTY!!!I love to drive cars and dirt bikes.i am not a girly girl i like to get down and dirty(hint hint.J/K)just like the boys do.I can get along with most people.But Sometimes i can be a real mean BITCH!!!!But I can be so sweet at the sametime.You just have to get to know me.So if you want to know more message me!!If you like me i am thrilled if not go fuck yourself!!(Make LOVE Not WAR Become A HIPPIE!)
Your Personality Is Like Cocaine
You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid!
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
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Generate your own contact table!
You scored as
Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partner
You're a Wild Drunk
You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again!
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
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How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex -
Romance -
Self - Control -
Kissing -
Cuddling -
Kinkiness -
This quiz by KillianO - Taken 10397 Times.
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