Ultimately for us, the music is the most important thing. It keeps us together and it keeps us hungry announces lead singer Nicky Rushing. We are constantly questioning ourselves, and trying to make ourselves better in every way. Simply put; we love music, and we love our music.These words pretty well describe Jasper, a band driven by their desire to share the music they love with the rest of the world. And now, with the release of their impressive debut album Better Days, they are one step closer to completing that goal.
After entering the studio in the fall of 2003, Jasper emerged one full year later with the collection of songs that became "Better Days." Self-produced by the band, and recorded and mixed by Jared Sherman in his home studio, the disc fully captures what Jaspers music is all about: powerful lyrics, dynamic rhythms, and amazing hooks that leave you wanting more.Even though Jasper is just now releasing their debut album, they have been making a name for themselves in D/FW for quite some time with their dynamic and over-the-top live show. For us, playing live is a very invigorating experience, reveals Rushing , and its a huge part of what Jasper is. There is an intensity there that really cant be matched anywhere else. And to top it off, we get to develop relationships with the people who matter most to us, the fans. It doesn't get much better than that.Debut album in hand, the members of Jasper are now ready to go places they have never gone before, and take the music scene by storm. They are well aware that they may have a challenging road ahead, but they are certainly prepared to pave the way for better days.
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